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Everything posted by whereismyhaircfc

  1. I was referring to this picture when I said V shaped hairloss loss. I will post my hair line pretty op picture soon
  2. I was told I am on norwood level 4 during consultation. If you look at my pics carefully, you will notice I have a V shaped hairloss just behind my hairline. I don't think I am on level 7 yet. My hair line is pretty much intact.
  3. Can someone help me decide what Norwood level was I in pre-op? Thank you.
  4. After the second week, my transplanted hair started to shed. I could see hair falling on my forehead and in my hands while shampooing during week 3 ( Day 12 to Day 24). But for the past 2-3 days shedding has been minimal. I could see the native hair growing on my transplanted area. I am still not sure if I shed all the transplanted hair or not. I still have some numbness on the recipient area and donor area is a bit sensitive to touch. Apart from that I have no other issues. Fingers crossed and hoping for the best!! I started applying minoxidil and have been taking Propecia for the past 3 months. I am standing right under the light for all my pics!
  5. I got my staples removed on day 10 and it was slightly painful. I got a buzz cut, so that I can start going to work. Scar is razor thin!! Whenever I had any questions, Dr. Paul would respond to my questions right away!
  6. Hello, First of all, I would like to thank the community members for sharing their inputs and experiences. I don't know what I would have done without this forum. My hair loss began 3-4 years ago and I never realized that I was balding until last year and decided to go for a hair transplant this year. I started my research in April and booked my date with SMG. I would like to thank Matt of SMG for answering my questions patiently. I had my transplant on 15th June, 2016. Because of the flight delays I was not able to sleep the night before the surgery. I just took a shower, had a quick breakfast and was ready for the surgery at 8:00 AM. ( Landed in Minneapolis at 5:00 AM). From the start of the procedure I believed that I was in good hands and had no anxiety at all. I did not even think about it the night before the surgery. The day started with a photo session and followed by a consultation with Dr Paul. We decided to get maximum density in the front and the mid scalp but minimal crown coverage depending on the no. of grafts that can be extracted during the surgery. My hairline is untouched. The procedure started at around 9:15 AM. Dr. Paul injected local anesthesia around my head and I fell asleep!!. When ever I needed to change positions, they woke me up and I used fall asleep soon after that. I again woke up again only for lunch and they informed me that they were done extracting the grafts. I had my lunch and slept again and woke up only after the procedure was complete at around 5:00 PM. Having slept for such a long time, I felt rejuvenated after the surgery. Next day after the surgery, I returned for a shampoo and a quick photo session after that. I then realized that I will not to able to cover my transplanted area with my existing hair!! So I decided to go for a buzz cut after 2 weeks.
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