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Everything posted by aLabs

  1. Went to Wentland after going to see Katonis in Oakbrook, Wentland was half his price. He even offered me a large discount if I could pay cash-$2300 vs. $2500. Thought things were a little unusual but Hey! he's a doctor and has a ton of references and talks a good game so...(this was before I found hair replacement forums) First of my complaints were that he claimed he was doing "micro-grafts", from the reflection I saw as they worked (while they were commenting on the black chicks tits in Swordfish- tv was on in front of me) and the box of "nails" they used. I take it they didn't do "micros", especially now that I have 3 or 4 hairs jutting from some large scarred holes in the front of my hairline. Now I'm also stuck with a gigantic wide scar on the back of my head and tons of red bumps in the graft areas which occassionally become agitated even after 3 years. A week after the operation it was totally apparent that the thinning areas were not spaced properly or filling the bald spots, it also had a "doll hair" appearance. I attempted to call him but his female sales rep was the closest I got. She came up with all types of excuses as to the healing period and that I could not see the "micro" grafts. PM me for more info or pics or if you're planning a malpractice suit.
  2. Received a few PM's inquiring about the "transplant" Dr. Tom Wentland did to my head about three years ago with his "finishing nails". One was in reference to preparation for a malpractice suit. I'm fully on board for this if that is the case just contact me via PM and I'll give you my personal info and pics of my head. By the way the back of my head looks like I was brained with an axe.
  3. Butcher, butcher butcher. Wentland sucks. write me and i'll send you pics of what he did to my head.
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