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Everything posted by Tomcat

  1. I am currently in the process of researching which clinic would be the best for my HT needs. I don't live in the UK right now but am originally from there and it would be simple for me to go back for the procedure. However, neither price nor location will be factors in my final decision. One thing I have noticed on forums again and again is the claim that the level of HT in the UK is not as high as other places in the world. Is this really the case? After looking at the websites of numerous UK clinics and patients' results on this and other forums, it's difficult to tell. There seems to be less information about high numbers of grafts (3500+) and "megasessions" in the UK. I get the impression that while people living in the UK visit surgeons in the UK, people in other countries do not travel to the UK for specifically for HT. This is in contrast to various clinics I can think of in Canada, the USA, Turkey, and even India. Alternatively, is it just that the UK is more expensive for the same procedure performed elsewhere (even when flights and accommodation are factored in)? I am interested in all views. - People from the UK who decided to have a HT in the UK - People from the UK who decided to have a HT in another country - People from other countries who decided to have a HT in the UK - People from other countries who decided against having a HT in the UK
  2. I hadn't actually considered using both Minoxidil and finasteride at the same time. The surgeon said that "both Minoxidil and finasteride are good, but finasteride generally yields better results." Is it common to use both agents in combination? I will definitely consider this and raise it at my next consultation.
  3. I am also expecting Norwood 7 to be the inevitable endpoint and planning everything based on that expectation. I have read up on finasteride and Rogaine, so am pretty sure what to expect. Thanks for the advice so far. I'll start taking the finasteride next week.
  4. Thanks for all of your swift replies. Based on this, I think I will try finasteride for a few months and also use that time to research which HT surgeon would be the very best for my needs. I am willing to travel literally anywhere and price is not important. I have attached a couple of pictures to give a clearer picture. The surgeon actually showed me photos of a patient who came for a consultation, went and took finastride for several months, and was satisfied enough with the regrowth from the meds that he no longer wanted to undergo a transplant. I'm wondering if such cases are common or a minority.
  5. I'm very happy to be a new member and this is my very first post. Slight background: The hair on my crow started thinning at age 19. It has very gradually progressed over 11 years and I am now at a point where I want to do something about it. I went to my very first ever consultation with a HT surgeon today. This was in the city where I live; I have decided to check out the local scene first and will gradually widen my search. I have another consultation booked for next Tuesday. As this is was my first consultation, I have a few questions. 1. After filling out the paperwork a nurse or technician used a camera and computer software to measure the hair density on different parts of my head. Is this a standard procedure? 2. After the surgeon examined my hair, he strongly recommended I start taking finasteride and then come back in 4 or 5 months to discuss surgery because this would mean that fewer grafts would be needed. Is this common? 3. One of the reasons I am considering a HT is because I don't want to be taking a drug for the rest of my life. Is it a common strategy to use finasteride after a HT? Thanks in advance.
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