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Posts posted by frankkyd

  1. There's people that legitimately seek opinions from others, and those who seek to confirm what they already want to believe.


    I've countless friends with a story similar to yours. At your age, for all of men, the invincibility complex is riding high. Inevitably, you'll regret roids, but not until you decide. Nobody is going to convince you otherwise. Just remember, girls dont really care about your muscles. I promise you.


    The advice from others is spot on. Good luck.


    I don't understand where you're getting at, My health is in perfect condition, I run monthly tests with my doctor. I didn't come here for "why roids are bad for you" lecture. A lot of people are prone to acne/hair loss and this drug would greatly accelerate that, and for that person I wouldn't recommend roids, but from MY experience, not your friends, or whoever you know, (because everyone reacts differently) I've had little to no side effects.


    And I don't lift for girls lmao, I compete, and have a passion for weights.

  2. Dermatologists don't have the adequate tools typically to test for miniaturization, I would visit a hair restoration doctor in your area, to me it looks like your thinning visibly, in the beginning stages it's very hard to tell without magnification though. When I was 21 I was losing hair no one was able to tell not even my barber, but I saw a lot of hair shedding, if you're noticing something different then it's probably because something is different. Can you take a picture bird view in natural light?


    Good suggestion! It actually looks a lot better in natural lighting.




  3. I just got back from a dermatologist visit, first time going to one and I asked about If I'm experiencing hair loss. He told me that my hair isn't experiencing miniaturization nor is it receding,I guess thats a good thing, he offered me finasteride but he didn't recommend it. So I turned it down as I don't really see the need for it.


    Also for those concerned about internal function, I've been getting monthly blood tests, my doctor knows I take roids, and all my tests show that I'm perfectly healthy. Yes I do compete, and no I don't cycle, I've been blasting/cruising for 2 years, meaning I've been on gear for 2 years.


    I just wanted an opinion on the shape of the crown, looking back at old pictures I don't really see a difference honestly. I know roids cause hair loss, I took a gamble knowing that both sides of my family have no hairloss. If you look at people like jay cutler/frank zane, they have never experienced hair loss, so maybe DHT isn't the only factor when it comes to losing hair.

  4. You start with the steroids.

    Then you need the finasteride to combat the sides from the steroids.

    Then you need the ED pills to combat the sides from the fin.

    Then you need the anti-depressants to combat the effects from all of the above.

    Then the hypertension meds, anti anxiety, etc. It gets worse from here.


    Is this the path that you want to take?


    I have gotten zero sides from roids except mild acne and bloating in the last 2 years. I'm just wondering if people think the crown is an issue. I think I could remedy that with a simple transplant tbh

  5. So I've been using (currently on) moderate-heavy steroids (test, tren dbol, whinny) for the last 2 years since I was 19. I haven't experienced any hair falling out. I'm getting a little paranoid after looking at the crown area, actually contemplating a hair transplant. This could be the starting steps of MPB... I might want to get finasteride script after using 1g testosterone for over a year now.



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