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Everything posted by frankkyd

  1. I don't understand where you're getting at, My health is in perfect condition, I run monthly tests with my doctor. I didn't come here for "why roids are bad for you" lecture. A lot of people are prone to acne/hair loss and this drug would greatly accelerate that, and for that person I wouldn't recommend roids, but from MY experience, not your friends, or whoever you know, (because everyone reacts differently) I've had little to no side effects. And I don't lift for girls lmao, I compete, and have a passion for weights.
  2. Good suggestion! It actually looks a lot better in natural lighting.
  3. I just got back from a dermatologist visit, first time going to one and I asked about If I'm experiencing hair loss. He told me that my hair isn't experiencing miniaturization nor is it receding,I guess thats a good thing, he offered me finasteride but he didn't recommend it. So I turned it down as I don't really see the need for it. Also for those concerned about internal function, I've been getting monthly blood tests, my doctor knows I take roids, and all my tests show that I'm perfectly healthy. Yes I do compete, and no I don't cycle, I've been blasting/cruising for 2 years, meaning I've been on gear for 2 years. I just wanted an opinion on the shape of the crown, looking back at old pictures I don't really see a difference honestly. I know roids cause hair loss, I took a gamble knowing that both sides of my family have no hairloss. If you look at people like jay cutler/frank zane, they have never experienced hair loss, so maybe DHT isn't the only factor when it comes to losing hair.
  4. I have gotten zero sides from roids except mild acne and bloating in the last 2 years. I'm just wondering if people think the crown is an issue. I think I could remedy that with a simple transplant tbh
  5. So I've been using (currently on) moderate-heavy steroids (test, tren dbol, whinny) for the last 2 years since I was 19. I haven't experienced any hair falling out. I'm getting a little paranoid after looking at the crown area, actually contemplating a hair transplant. This could be the starting steps of MPB... I might want to get finasteride script after using 1g testosterone for over a year now.
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