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Everything posted by finkfad

  1. Hi Rinaldi! This is me today! I believe it has been 611 days, or 87 weeks, or 20 months since my procedure with Dr. Path. Its been a crazy, complete success from my point of view. Although my temples still look a little sparse under direct light, but nothing too obvious so I'm not too bothered when I look into the mirror. Will I consider a second procedure with Dr. Path to patch up the temples? Sure! But maybe when I am in a lull period at work. Right now things are crazy, but nothing some confidence from having a full head of hair can't help.
  2. Hey there! I actually bought mine from an online pharmacy, saves me a ton of money and I have no issues with it so far. I'll PM you the site
  3. Hi friend! Being of Oriental descent, I think my hair diameter by nature is considerably thicker than those of either Caucasian or African origin (One Source). Unfortunately, when it comes to density, mine is not particularly dense. In fact, I would consider it slightly below average amongst other East Asians. But the 'thickness' (diameter of the hair shaft) makes up for it, and I think in my case gives it an illusion of density.
  4. I might go back sometime next year to patch up my temples, under certain angles and lighting conditions I can still discern a slight bareness. But my wife and my friends tell me that's completely unnecessary, they can't see anything wrong with my hair now
  5. Hi friends! I'm sorry to have gone AWOL, has been busy enjoying life with a full head of hair. A picture says more than a thousand words, so here's my update as of 1st June 2017 (59 weeks and 5 days post-op). I'm using Finasteride (5mg cut into 4 pieces) once daily and Rogaine twice daily to maintain existing hairs.
  6. Hi ConfusedRose, sorry for the radio silence, I've been swamped for the past couple of months. I'll try to get you some shots of the scar but I'll have to get my wife to help me.
  7. Yeah sure! I think three reasons. First is the price. As far as Dr. Path is concerned, FUE is about 2-3 times more expensive per graft. Secondly, I think it was his recommendation that we go FUT to harvest more grafts in one session. Thirdly, I had the feeling he preferred to do FUT in general anyway, vs. FUE.
  8. Thanks! To be honest, I didn't quite take note of the surface area. But I think my hair is naturally fairly thick, so it helps to give an illusion of density.
  9. Here's how it looks from the front, 24 weeks post-op:
  10. Thank you all Like @Thetoofhurts mentioned above, I will tend to think it looks really good, until I see myself until harsh lighting. That gets me thinking about HT 2 as well! I had a brief chat with Dr. Path and his advice is that for this op, he grafted for 35% density at the frontal area and didn't touch the crown. For HT 2, which can be done in a year after HT 1, we could shoot for another ~1,600 grafts at the frontal area (bringing it to 50% density) and 1,200 grafts for the crown area to bring it to 40% density. Seeing my current results, I can't even imagine how good HT 2 may turn out
  11. Dear friends, a quick update for today (Week 24)! Under the lighting that I usually take (hair dry, with no Rogaine): Under the morning sun, bright and shiny (after applying Rogaine):
  12. Another snap of how it looks 'in-the-wild', this was taken at Week 21. There's a few strands of transplanted hair that's already white
  13. Here's how it looks from the front, week 22 post-op:
  14. Here's a close-up of the transplant after the hair dries and I ruffle it a little bit, week 22 post-op:
  15. Hey guys! Back with updates on Week 22. Here's a picture of the hair still wet (after showering and applying Rogaine Foam):
  16. Hello! Nice to meet another Singaporean who is Dr. Path's patient. You should be several months ahead of me in terms of recovery then, hope it's been and will continue to be life changing for you! Even at 17+ weeks into the procedure, I'm quite at the stage where I'm very comfortable heading out everyday and not too concerned about my appearance (unlike when I was facing bad hair loss pre-HT). Here's my progress on 5th August 2016 (17 weeks post-op). To my fellow Singaporeans, have a great National Day and majula Singapura!
  17. As for my post-op care, I'm doing nothing really extraordinary. I'm using Rogaine Foam twice a day, copiously on the recipient site, and Finpecia 1mg once every night. I also use Nioxin as my shampoo twice daily.
  18. Thank you! I'm super stoked, just 13 weeks in! Here's a quick snap that I took 'in the wild' of my first hat-less day. Can't wait for it to really come in! For all my follicle-challenged brothers out there, hang in there.
  19. I'm quite truly bursting with excitement, the first day going hat-less is a monumental milestone in this journey!
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