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Everything posted by KRKS

  1. All thanks to you and to this beautiful passage and guidance
  2. My budget 21,000 $ and what can i get according these amount in my case
  3. Hello every body I need your help in decision-making to the second hair transplant process where I have conducted the first process FUE 3500 graft 2 years ago, and that the operation failed for several reasons including: 1-low of hair density 2-look and feel of hair is unnatural and rough 3-hair distribution straight and not random like natural hair 4-small plugs in the front line . Then i decide to do corrective hair transplant and I start search in Google and YouTube to find the best doctors. as I've consulted a doctor via email , where he told me that I needed 1500 graft for front hair line and 2000 graft for top crown , and he also did not mention about fixing the small plugs . My question is who is the best doctors in corrective hair transplant using FUE to remove the small plugs with less scar and having high density . I'm sorry to the prolongation
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