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Everything posted by Billdet6

  1. Thanks for all your insights everyone. I just wanted to update that after speaking tO my Dr, we decided to not go back on oral finasteride due to past side effects. I went with keeps topical finasteride after i suggested it. I hope i dont have side effects but lets see. I have it used it once Wednesday, and already feel my libido down. Is this sound like its in my head? Isnt this too soon to have aide effects? I plan to apply again today so wish me luck. 🍀
  2. Thanks everyone for your reply. The propecia and proscar froma few years ago I had mixed results, better with generic proscar cut. When I was on topical finasteride, it was before the hims and keeps existed, and fromm out of the US, but I felt it did a good for me. The fear is always going systemic ☹️ i will look into dustateride if the topical finasteride has side effects. I am going to try to really follow if there are side effects so keeping my fingers crossed!
  3. Hi there, thanks for the response. I have been on oral finasteride for several years on and off. and didnt have issues with the generic finasteride if the pills were cut. When i first took propecia i felt a little odd ao went the generic route. In fact, I was on a topical finasteride for a short time, but haD stopped that for a few years. Has there been many issues with topical finasteride?
  4. Hello Everyone, i am looking into using topical finasteride, after using minoxidil foam for years. I saw Keeps, Hims, andXyon were well known providers. It seem slike i will need a prescription from them. My question is which of these providers would you say is best for topical finasteride for hair loss? Anyone able to share their thoughts and experiences? Thank you in advance!
  5. Hello everyone, I had been looking online and saw some the radome reviews at about 3 out of 5 stars. My Dr. has suggested I start using Theradome to help with hair loss/growth. I was wondering if any of the users of the community have used the the radome helmet and what was their thoughts/reviews of the product? Bill
  6. THanks for the reply guys. I have posted some pics on my profile Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients - Billdet6's Profile @ontop I do not know the exact and a HT Dr. could probably explain it better than I. But, from my understanding is that it is the case where your transplanted hair fail to grow in a certain area. That is what My Dr. beleives is happening to me in the front of my hairline. That was transplanted hair before and it is getting very thin now =/
  7. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  8. Billdet6

    Current Hair

    This is my hair. I had two hair transplants in 2008 and 2010. The hair seems to be thinning now, and I have goneoff of finasteride since the fall, but the hair was thinning even more. I am just surprised because it seems in some areas the transplanted hair has stopped growing.
  9. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  10. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  11. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  12. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  13. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  14. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  15. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  16. Billdet6

    From the album: Current Hair

  17. Also dr Shapiro has said that I have dermatioligical alopecia and male pattern baldness of course. I had been thinning for 15 years and I am about 34.
  18. Hi everyone I had a hairtransplant from Shapiro medical in 2008 and 2010 and the results had been good. The only problem now is that the transplanted hair is starting to thin out. My doctor is giving me an option of having prp with acell done. I do not know much about this and was wondering what your opinions would be on this ? I know that this wouldn't be against transplanted hair. I am thinning on the top of my head and am 34 years old. I can post pictures of that will help. I have read online that this has helped with patients just starting to experience thinning but would it work for transplanted hair as well?
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