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Everything posted by Pinki

  1. Hello! Sorry for my english :> I'm 14 day post HT and I still have many little scabs that doesn't came off. (i hope you understand that) Acually my recipient area is one big scab...I'm worry becouse I was reading that scabs should came off and I should have no scabs in/on/at 10 day post op... I am washing my hair once a day with a cup (not shower) and I'm not touching my recipient area :> And I also spraying (?) it with salt water...I was reading that maybe I should using shower and massage my recipient area, but I really don't know how. I have little stiff hairs there and I'm not able to touch my skin there without (I don't know..) making something wrong with that hair? (hair from the grafts...) I also bought olive for a children, becouse nurs (she was taking out my stich) says that I can put it on scabs and wait 30 minutes and then wash my hair, what do you think? I was talking with my doctor and he sad that I should not be worry and that I should wait - and scabs will came off... So is it ok to have scabs in 14 day post op? Many, many scabs..about 90% is there. I watched your photos and I see that at this time (2 weeks) you look great, you have only this new hairs and no scabs... That's worry me a lot I'm going back to work on next monday and I'm starting to panic... I will add the photo... Thanks for some advice... Paula
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