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Posts posted by Harebrained

  1. Please do yourself a favor, slow down. It is not acceptable any so called clinic to ask for a down payment before even speaking to the doctor who will be slicing the back of your head open from ear to ear. Do you have at least a website for this doctor. I can only find minimal information about him. I can already see some red flags from what your posting. Take it from someone who was severely scarred and damaged from a transplant that was preformed by a clinic that had no business ever owning a scalpel. The money you spend will mean nothing to you in ten years or so but you'll have your transplant results forever, good or bad. I'm not making any judgment on this doctor but do your research my friend and get multiple opinions and on site consultations.

  2. I think if your considering BHT you really need to be picky about who you choose. It takes more than experience with FUE to get good results due to the many variables that exist. As you describe it you may be a good candidate. From what I know beard hair is almost always the first choice. Consider at least looking at Dr. Umars work if you haven't already.

  3. Any doctor worth considering should have dozens if not hundreds of befores and afters, no excuses. There are plenty of patients willing to show their transplants either with photos or video, often even revealing their identity. Do you know for a fact he was represented here or is that just what he told you????

    Hard to believe if he was ever here he doesn't have at least a few dozen good results to showcase.

  4. I can undeestand your mixed feelings about your result. I would say however you were a difficult case from the start. Take your time in choosing your next Dr. Personally I think you have good hair texture for BHT. There is certainly potential for you to gain some density. Often for high Norwood cases, hair transplantation is first and foremost more of a journey than an answer. Please coninue to keep us posted here in the following months and longer. You have an interesting case and in the hands of the right doctor you can expect some great improvement ahead.

  5. Thanks for your reply HT2016. You stated you dont live in India but traveled there specifically for a hair transplant. It seems from your original post that all the doctors you were considering were from India. Did you consider any other doctors from other countries like Turkey or doctors recommened by this site,or was it just easier for you to travel to India. Your results do look good. Happy growing.

  6. I would want to know how involved is the Dr in each step of the procedure.

    How many transplants per day and/or week is preformed by that Dr.

    Maybe I'm overly cautious but I've always been leary of clinics that offer every cosmetic procedure under the sun while performing hair transplants regardless the participation of the doctor. I once got a hair transplant where they were also doing regular hair cuts, nails, and spa treatments right down the hall.

    Needless to say the result spoke for itself.

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