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Posts posted by mamzuka

  1. Hi everyone,


    First time poster longtime lurker. 25y/o male just wanted to share my experience/results 7 months post op.



    Began losing my hair at 18 years old and didn't really do anything about it until age 22 where I started Minoxidil foam. I used Minox for several months and didn't see any changes in my hair's appearance so I dropped it. In April 2015, I started finasteride (~1.25mg/day) and have been on it since. At this point, I'm not sure if it has worked or not but I'm not seeing a scary amount of hair falling out in the shower or on my pillow every morning. I am considering switching to dutasteride since I'm seeing some miniaturization in my temples and nape of my neck.


    I decided to make the jump and get a HT after seeing so many of you were getting great results. I decided to go with Dr. Panine since he was one of the recommended HT doctors in my area and because traveling to his clinic was more convenient for me as his clinic was only 15 minutes away from my medical school(I'm a med student).



    For the consultation, I met with Stuart, Dr. Panine's surgical coordinator, and he educated me on everything I needed to know about what my options were, FUE vs FUT, my donor availability(was told my donor area was good), and costs. I got to meet Dr. Panine during the consultation and he drew up where the grafts would be placed in my recipient area. He suggested my HT surgery focuses on the frontal 1/3 and a 2nd surgery would be needed for the remaining area on top and crown.


    Surgery - 6/28/15

    Arrived around 9:30am and the surgery began around 10am. I got to watch some TV while Dr. Panine and his assistant were working and before I knew it, the donor grafts(3944 of them) were out and prepped. The surgery overall was more or less painless thanks to the anesthesia. I fell asleep after lunch which was provided and woke up near the end of the surgery at....2am the next day! After the surgery was over, Stuart and my aunt(was staying at her place since she lives 10 mins away) helped me to the car. I came back a couple days later for a quick check up and was told everything look great. I had some swelling in my forehead and around my eyes but I was told that this is normal and it did go away soon. I came back 2 weeks later to get my stitches removed and was told to come back 3 months later for a follow up.


    3,944 grafts - 2,162 single hair grafts, 1,547 double hair grafts and 235 triple hair grafts


    Currently 7 months in and hoping for more growth and thickening particularly in the posterior 50% of the frontal 1/3rd, given the amount of grafts that were used. Let me know what you guys think so far. Thanks!



    photo 001/009 = pre op

    photo 019/020/022 = post op

    photo 032/033/035 = 3 months post op

    photo 036 = 7 months post op


    It does look like you are getting some growth but can't see near 4000 grafts on your head. I'm not saying that they aren't there, but it looks less than that to me. If you are only at 7 months then you have more to grow for sure.

  2. How do you think that would look if the person kept the sides and back neatly trimmed and short? I know it would be thin but how thin I wonder. I'm debating if I want the doctors to use the 2000 and just restore the front third or to take a chance and just spread it out on top and just rock a short beard and short hair on the sides while the transplant hair grows out a little longer.


    Spreading it out and over your head sounds like a very bad idea. 2000 grafts is not going to be enough to make it look like natural hair that you cut short.

  3. Deceptive photos is a huge issue from clinics and patients alike. Guys often cherry pick their result photos to get praise, which I don't really get. Then, clinics will often compare wet or precariously positioned hair ( basically hair at its worst) to final results when hair is shown at its best.


    Dr. Hasson performed a transplant on me, that I'm satisfied with mostly. When taking my before photos I remember him exposing the bald area and saying something to the effect of ' We'll try to make it look as bad as possible' My pre-op pics were nothing like I'd ever actually wear my hair.


    Did I read this correctly????


    I have no real problem with lighting and backgrounds but this is very disturbing to me that Dr. Hasson was trying to make your hair look as bad as possible for the before photo. Did I read this correctly??!!

  4. So I went to a new barber yesterday and i told him how I wanted my hair cut. Needless to say we didnt understand each other so he gave me a short haircut. However, this type of haircut left me devestated because it made me see that I am seriously losing my hair.


    I am 27, am taking finesteride daily so im wondering if I can finally get a hair transplant.


    Obviously I have been finding ways to hide my hair loss such as letting my hair grow a little bit but it looks really bad.


    What do you guys think?


    Do I finally qualify for a hair transplant?


    Here are my pics . The first set of pics are from last year and the second set are from this year.



    1st Set





    2nd Set





    I am losing my hair and I am losing it fast. What the hell. I really need your help guys. I am devastated. Thank you so much in advance.


    I do remember when I also started to lose my locks. I was a bit younger than you and my brother made good fun of my thinning at the crown. I didn't think anything of it until I showered and looked in the mirror. I was shocked like electricity through me. It was happening to me. I really thought balding was for other guys, old guys but it was starting for me without a doubt.

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