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Posts posted by marknash99

  1. I had my surgery two weeks ago, so I'm now going through that stage of worrying if it will take, what the result will be like and wanting to do everything I can to help.


    So far my routine is this:


    1mg of Finistride a day


    Follifuel milkshakes

    Wash hair daily with baby shampoo, very gently around the new grafts (not rubbing the scalp, just lightly touching the hairs with lather)

    No hats, careful with pull over clothes, keeping out of sun, careful not to bang the area or sleep on it.


    So is thee anything else I can do? Or any of the above I shouldn't be doing? Am I being too careful and I should relax a bit?


    What I'd love to do is really rub my scalp, I'm at that scabby stage and I'd love to get them out! I did try to pull one gently, but the hair came out or snapped and now worried I've screwed that graft so not doing that again! Although my surgeon did say the hairs could snap or come out and not too wordy, the follicle will remain embedded. Not easy to consider that now though :)

  2. Hi all


    I'm in the post op stage of worrying and wanting to do absolutely everything I can to give me the best chance of a success. I was advised not to use Minoxidil for one week post surgery, but then after that it can be used to help things along. I bought some extra strength Minoxidil, it says to use it twice daily. I bought a spray bottle to apply it.


    But now I'm a little concerned that the spray may be applying more than they envisaged you would with the supplied pipette? Then also the fact it's extra strength, very soon after surgery.


    So can too much actually do damage rather than help? I'm tempted to just apply some with the spray once a day?


    Thoughts opinions?

  3. Thanks for your response. Dr Harris has many before and after pictures on his website and as I said, even introduced me in person to one of his patients. He has been carrying out HT for around 20 years, procedures in the thousands, both FUT and FUE. He is a member of both the ISHRS and BAHRS with his details on both their websites. He was also an experienced plastic surgeon so I should think I should have a good result with the scar side of things at least! So for me it was the opposite of alarm bells, in fact it made me feel very comfortable and reassured I had made a good decision. Obviously time will tell if that was all misplaced, but I really doubt that will happen.

  4. So after a few months of research, a number of online consultancy/email interactions with all the usual suspects in europe and two in person, I have selected my surgeon and due to take the plunge next month!


    I'm based in the UK so naturally a UK based surgeon would already have had a head start (excuse the pun ;) ) Having said that I wasn't discounting travelling abroad, in fact I was very close to signing the dotted line with a surgeon in Turkey. I'm 42, been losing my hair since my early 30's. Family history of male pattern baldness, so I knew it was going to happen. Haven't tried any medication up to now, well apart from the regular use of Alpecin shampoo.


    So what made me select Dr Harris? Harris Hair Transplant Especially as it seems the UK has a poor rep in regards to HT on here? Well I took all the route cause of that bad feedback, took all the warning signs of a bad or "purely in it for the money" type surgeon into my consultancy and intentionally looked for the signs, waited for my mind to be put at rest. And that's exactly what he did.... and then some:


    1) Didn't try to convince me to have a HT, no pressure to sign there and then for "this months deal". In fact he suggested I could try the medication route first. When I said I had already made my mind up, had done lots of research he then said well take some time to think about it. Zero pressure. Really got the impression he was all about patient care.

    2) He arranged for me to see one of his patients. Even said he would arrange for me to be present during a procedure, meet the technicians.

    3) He carries out the injections, the strip and the incisions. Is present throughout the procedure.

    4) The emphasis was on future planning, not about a big result as quick as possible. It was all about the long term plan, not about trying to get me to spend as much money as possible. In fact it was me trying to get him to do more grafts in one go, but I was overruled by him and my girlfriend :)

    5) He is such a nice guy, really friendly, honest, caring and meticulous. He gave me complete confidence that he could do the job and had my best interests at the top of his priorities.

    6) The girlfriend was won over. Trust me that's not an easy job! As a partner in a top legal 500 law firm, she knows bullsh!t when she hears it, reads people very very well.


    So, my journey begins. Booked in on the 16th April to have 2000 FUT. The first step is to tackle my hairline and work back. My crown has still a lot of hair, its just getting thin, so I've just started taking Finasteride with the hope that will start to slow down/prevent further loss and thicken up some of the thinning hair. Then in a couple of years look at a follow up procedure if required.


    So here are some pictures of my bonce at this point in time. I intend to update this thread, the next update no doubt on the 16th Apr :) Can’t wait!!


    Please don’t let this get into a UK bashing thread. I’d love to hear constructive opinions and advice, any tips for this period leading up to the procedure etc. And lastly, thanks to the forum and the members, this formed the basis of my research, identified avenues I could explore etc.













  5. As part of my research I have come across this product. Apparently when taken before the HT it can help improve the quality/success rates as the follicles are more healthy and more likely to survive a transplant. Then when taken afterwards it would help to speed up the rate in which you see new growth and can even help with the 3 month shedding phase.


    Apparently its all to do with ensuring you have all the nutrients to aid having healthy follicles. I wouldn't expect miracles but probably like most on here, even if it improves the success or chance of success by a small margin, in my view it's worth it as I want to give this the best chance.


    Has anyone on here any experience of this product?

  6. Just wondering if it will help the HT process and the results if I went on medication on the months leading up to the HT? I've always been anti-drugs so my preference would be to not do so. However if it improves the chances of success then I will.


    If I should take some, where is the best place to source it? I'm based in the UK


    Any advice welcome, thanks

  7. Hey guys


    My decision had been made to ask Dr. Demirsoy to carry out my HT. However I was a little concerned when I was informed by Clemens that he would be carrying out the procedure in just the one session. I asked if he could do this over two sessions but was told this would cost an extra €2200


    So I'm after some advice. What are the risks of carrying out this number of grafts in one session? He has a good reputation so I would've thought if he thought there was a chance of a bad result he wouldn't suggest doing it as its very likely to backfire?

  8. Hey guys


    First post on here. Been suffering hair loss for about 15yrs. I'm lucky in that it's been slow and I've reached 42 without feeling like I need to act. Always knew I'd lose my hair, thought I'd accept it gracefully but as its got worse I've found its really started affecting my confidence. To be honest it's my bloody forehead :) Wrong shape for going bald, looks massive :D


    Right, so I've just started doing my research, contacted plenty of clinics, both here in the uk and abroad. Gradually getting replies and building up my impression on how easy they are going to be to deal with. I'm leaning towards a certain clinic / Dr, but I'm keeping an open mind for a bit.


    So my question is this. Based on photos I've sent to the clinics I'm being told I'll need between 3500-4000 grafts. FUE is my procedure of choice. Now from what I'm reading that should be carried out in two sessions. Now can this be two sessions back to back over two days? Or should there be a significant gap between procedures?


    Thanks in advance for any advice, and sorry for what will no doubt be loads of questions on the forum. Promise to give back with photos and advise based on my experience.

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