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Everything posted by gxm100

  1. @Vann - thanks for the encouragement haha! No I usually wear a hat, or when I go into my office I use a little bit of toppik. I’m hoping to see a lot of thickening over the next month (I know full well that really the next 3 months should be when a lot of growth happens). The waiting gets tough!
  2. Here’s another one in much friendlier lighting - outside on a rainy day - right after a haircut I just got.
  3. 3 months and 1 week: I know it’s very early, but honestly im feeling kind of nervous about my results. I know patience is key - I just don’t see much in the way of new hairs poking through. Here is a pic of today put up next to a pic of me about 6 months prior to the procedure.
  4. hey @Vann - the relatively few hairs that have come in to a decent length do still feel more coarse than the native hair. that said, I've always imagined that texture improvement is what really takes the longest to happen! we will see what happens over the next two months - that's the window in which im expecting some changes!
  5. @Steeeve thanks for putting them side by side. Here’s another one which is in the same bathroom / lighting as the original picture. Obviously lighting is a bit more harsh in this room but still feel I notice a good difference
  6. Here’s my 12 week update (2 days beyond to be 100% accurate). I go back and forth day to day about if I think it looks good for 3 months, but generally I do think the growing is beginning! Clearly more hair there than my original post! I’m excited for the next two months for sure! let me know your thoughts
  7. Exactly 2 months today. Feel good about it so far I think. Just hoping lots of new growth starts in the next month!
  8. @Vann - yeah I mean it’s hard to say seeing just pictures, but based on those photos, as a stranger I’m not even sure I’d think you are losing hair in any significant way haha
  9. Looks solid to me at this point! Seems you haven’t shed too bad up this point and looks like you have almost no redness which is great. Only a bit more time can tell on our results but you seem to have recovered excellently.
  10. Haha sorry @JustShaveItBro69 probably a sensitive word to use on this forum. I just meant starting to grow in through the skin like normal hair
  11. That’s a fair point about native hair returning. However, if you look at my pre op pics on the left hand side of the photo, I was completely bald there and now there’s all these hairs. So either they are transplants or meds suddenly started working a lot better 😂
  12. Just short of 8 weeks - I know it’s too early to expect much but curious of anyones thoughts. I did continue shedding until about last week but I did keep a good amount of the transplanted hairs I think. Now when I zoom in on those photos (thanks iphone13), I feel I can see a good count of new hairs poking through. But maybe it’s just wishful thinking as it is quite early. the redness is still pretty significant at this point and really that’s the only reason that anything looks “unnatural” at this point. The scar even at 2 guard was almost undetectable except for one area on the right side. Not sure if I stretched in that spot or if I just experienced shock loss there.
  13. Mmm have you talked with Dr Bloxham or visited his office so he could give a look in person?
  14. @MikeJohnDaDon sorry to be annoying but any update? Guess you are a bit beyond 5 months now?
  15. Quick update at 1 month and 1 week. Pic is under reasonably favorable lighting, but yeah, so far I feel like it’s just kinda crazy the amount of hair that has not shed. I’m going to cut the back and sides of my hair again tomorrow to just try to even everything out and then from there just let it rip for the next several months.
  16. The scar feels fine to the physical touch. In most spots it just feels flat. There is a small area where it feels like an indent actually but not raised anywhere. Scar doesnt look any different still just a nice thin line. I’ve experienced a little shock loss around it on my right side which is making it appear worse but when I look at it up close, it looms very good in my opinion. Here are some pics from ~1 month. Everything is good. Hair continues to shed a bit but overall not that bad. I expected to be uglier by now haha.
  17. Looks great! I think this will be an outstanding result, especially considering the native hair you have left and your hair texture. Definitely following
  18. 3 weeks (21 days) hey all - update for today. all is still going well. The itching in the donor area got worse before it got better. I started letting the incision line soak in conditioner for a while during my showers and that seems to have helped. at this point im beginning some light exercise again (mostly cardio). Also played golf for the first time on day 19 and felt completely fine. here are some pics. All are taken either under harsh bathroom lighting or right in front of bright naturally lit windows/outside light.
  19. I also should add for anyone considering FUT, at this point I can hide the incision line incredibly well by using dermmatch. I just tested it at home one day to see and I was surprised. Like many others I am currently working from home but I could easily go into the office now if I had to
  20. I can’t tell you how pleased I’d be to be among the few who are so lucky to not shed very badly haha however I feel that would be an overly optimistic expectation thanks for the comment! Glad everything is looking good to others too
  21. Day 15 - All good to this point! The incision line has been itchy lately, and generally I’m getting all kinds of funny tingling sensations throughout my scalp. I think it’s just the nerve endings repairing. I’m experiencing a small amount of shedding so that’ll probably start happening soon!
  22. @victau - great result! I think it looks fantastic and very natural! This is only a personal opinion, but I would not lower the hairline any further if I were in your position. Temple points maybe you could do, but personally, don’t even think you need it. The only reason I say this is because you are young, and the more grafts your pour into the front now, the less you will have in 15-20 years if you start thinning from the back. And that area would require even more grafts. I don’t think you’re ridiculous for what you’re suggesting by any means, and you could do it. But if I got your result, I’d be over the moon with that.
  23. I think that's a little bit of an aggressive assumption to imply that because I would ask this question that I've not done research about my doctor or other topics. What is the point of a forum if not to ask questions? / provide support I searched the forum before asking the question and, frankly, didn't find that much information about what others have done. Maybe I'm not the best at using the search tool, but even if it's been asked and answered before, the more times it appears, the easier it'll be for people to find later on and the more feedback there will be. It's also not a 'silly' question - certainly not by comparison to 'is it painful' or 'is it expensive'. Every doctor advises something different when it comes to abstinence periods for alcohol, smoking, sex, exercise, etc. So why should it be 'silly' to ask for peoples' experiences? Hearing others' experiences is one of the major points of a forum if you ask me. I am personally glad others are posting their experiences so thank you everyone.
  24. Ya ain’t wrong about that, just curious to hear peoples experiences!
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