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Everything posted by yahoo101

  1. 21 days. That is the answer to how long it took for me to feel comfortable going out without a hat and feeling like no one would know I had a hair transplant done.There is definitely still residual redness on both the donor and recipient areas but I think it can be thought of as a sunburn now. I am caucasian but not particularly fair skinned. I think it will likely be quite red for a long time but in another 2 weeks my hair will be long enough that it should be virtually undetectable. I just wanted to share in case others were wondering about residual redness and when it would be okay to return to work/social life without letting people know you had a procedure. I had a 4100 graft FUE with Dr. Yaman and feeling great about the decision. Feel free to ask me anything. Again, pics are 21 days post op
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