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Everything posted by electricjazz01

  1. For my second hair transplant procedure I went with Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix, AZ. He was wonderful, knew exactly what it was that I needed, and told me "I wish I had met you four years ago" - which I agreed I wish I had. My 1st transplant (3350 FUT grafts) in 2012, was with a different doctor that WAS recommended by this site, but he no longer is (which to me is like well, that makes sense). Because while I received 3350 grafts from my first doctor, and that sounds like it would lead to a big difference - while it did give me some more hair on my head, it just was not packed densely at all. I still looked the same baldness in harsh light, and after a while, it really was discouraging. I had gone through an entire procedure and saw a slight difference, but still - it was not enough to make it like "Wow - what a difference". My first transplant was done in March of 2012. A year later I was told in my year-post-op-checkup - yeah you probably won't get too much more, but it's still more than you had, you had a big pallet to work with (I do have a rather large head lol). But - as I had to endure paying back the cost of the first procedure, the years went by and yes, while I had more hair than I did, it just didn't cut it. By late 2015 I saw myself in a picture where my head was angled down, and I just had enough. I just looked at it and went - "I still look bald!" I felt that I was promised WAY more than I got and it was irritating beyond belief. By October 2015 I only had a few more months of paying off the first procedure and I seriously started considering a second procedure, but I didn't want to go through the same doctor I used before in my city. So I came to this website again, and found Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix, AZ. After seeing his results and reading his testimonials about how good he is, I decided to drive down to Phoenix to meet him and have my consultation. His exact words were "I'm all about density" - which is ABSOLUTELY what I needed. He said he had wished he met me years before and told me what I would need to make my hair filled in. He said I would need about 2700 FUT grafts, which would fill in my frontal area, and while my crown is still largely barren - that I can live with right now - as my front looked terrible. My frontal region was a tuft of my old existing hair surrounded by a bunch of thinly-placed transplants from the first procedure. So November 16, 2015 - I took the plunge and had my second hair transplant. I really liked how Dr. Alexander's procedures were. First, he uses string for his sutures - NOT staples for the strip area. That already - was so much more comfortable than having to endure sleeping on staples and feeling metal in my head from the first procedure. Second - his aftercare instructions were so much better than the first time. The first time for aftercare I was instructed to keep a surgical cap on my hair for five straight days and not remove it THEN I could wash my hair. With Dr. Alexander - he said I could wash my hair the very next morning (carefully of course). The aftercare the week post-op was so much more comfortable and made a lot more sense than what I was told the last time. I was able to have the sutures removed at home where I live instead of having to fly or drive back to have staples removed. I really liked Dr. Alexander's directions much better and I had a lot less pain than I did with the first surgery. Dr. Alexander gave me a day-by-day instruction list as to what to do with my donor area the week post-op. It made sense, followed it to the T - and all ended up well. So - it is now December 2016 - and MAN OH MAN - what a difference. Dr. Alexander said density is what he is about - that is what I got. I no longer have a noticable "island of hair" or "tuft" that is surrounded by transplanted hair. The hair he moved into my frontal region now matches the density of the tuft of hair - giving me the full look I wanted and thought I was going to get way back in 2012 when I had the first procedure. My confidence is so much higher - I KNOW, I look good in pictures. I KNOW, I don't look weird or different from everyone else. I just love knowing my hair looks NORMAL. I met with Dr. Alexander in November of this year (last month) for my year-post-op-checkup - and he agreed the result was correct and we discussed that if I decide to come back for my third procedure to fill in my crown area, that they will welcome me anytime. Right now financially that isn't possible for me, but it may be in a few years. But yes - I highly recommend Dr. Alexander for any hair procedure. He and his technicians were very knowledgeable, his after-care instructions were detailed and easy to follow - I LOVED not having staples to deal with for 10 days post-op (I was able to remove Dr. Alexander's stitches after only 7 days this time) - and I just feel so much better. I do not avoid photos anymore, I embrace them. I am 33 years old and actually feel like I pretty much look my age or at least a lot closer, than I did when I was 29 - when I hated how I looked in photos and thought I looked 15 years older because I was balding so quickly. I sincerely thank Dr. Alexander so much for his work - and again - I highly recommend. Another happy patient here!!! The photo in my red jacket is a photo I took this past October (10/29/16) almost one year after the second procedure - showing how much thicker my frontal hair region is. The photo over my head was in Dr. Alexander's office during my consultation (November 2015)...showing how bald it really still was. The photo in my red polo was 1 year after the first transplant.
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