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Everything posted by redchickenleg

  1. Hi All, My hair is full and thick all over except the hairline where it's starting to thin. I'm considering taking Finasteride to preserve what I have become but I'm concerned that I could be doing more permanent damage to my hair. I've read about the initial shed that occurs initially whilst on this drug and I'm worried that I may cause my hair to thin in the crown area by taking it. Whereas it wouldn't have if I never took the drug. Also if I were to come off the drug in say 5 years, would my hair shed to a point that would be more aggressively bald that if I'd have never taken the drug in the first place? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi all, I'm a bit worried about my hairline around the left temple. I'm 26 nearly 27, since I was about 21 I have noticed my left temple appears to have receded. It's not moved since I first noticed it at 21. I'm not concerned about the right side, just the left. When I look under harsh lights it's more noticeable. Here are some pictures: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9XnixJOMtTRMFRKTFhHM0pZUjA&usp=sharing What are your thoughts, will this get any worse? Is it worth me looking into starting a treatment or am I just being paranoid? Many thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks for the reply Blake, Here's a couple of pictures form this morning after I'd been sleeping on it all night, taken under a bright light. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9XnixJOMtTRcXhtdGM5eFFETUk&usp=sharing What do you think? It doesn't seem to be thinning, just worried about the size of the whorl... Thanks
  4. I saw a picture of my crown yesterday under a bright light and I was quite alarmed and wanted to check whether it looks normal or not... I've taken some pictures under harsh fluorescent lighting, it seems like I've got a longer crown than usual, if you know what I mean. It's not just a circle. My hair doesn't seem to be thinning, it's just the crown is very pronounced. I'm 26 years old. Let me know what you think, thanks in advance! Pictures https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9XnixJOMtTRUEtPeDQ3MWJHMm8&usp=sharing
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