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Posts posted by GTDL

  1. Thanks Leeson and Dr. Charles for your replies. I will certainly stick with the Proscar, as it seems to have helped a lot of people retain their existing hair. I know the hair game is never guaranteed, but I would be happy enough to not have a HT if the loss didn't progress any further than it has. I was due to have a HT not too long ago but I cancelled it for various reasons.

  2. Hello to everyone who is willing to read this post icon_smile.gif

    I am 26 years old and have been on 1.25mg of Proscar daily since December. I have been contemplating having a HT done to straighten my hair line as there is some recession as you can see in the picture attached. However, after some online consultations with coalition doctors clinics, the general opinion has been the same: they don't think I need one. Although I do appreciate their honesty and the fact that they are not blindly selling me a procedure that I may not need for the sake of profit, I would still like to get other patients opinions. Did any of you have a similar pattern of hair loss to mine at my age? And did the recession proceed any further or stay as it was? I'm just wondering if surgery is the way to go, or would most of you stick with meds for now? Your thoughts would be much appreciated, all comments are welcome.

  3. Hello to everyone who is willing to read this post icon_smile.gif

    I am 26 years old and have been on 1.25mg of Proscar daily since December. I have been contemplating having a HT done to straighten my hair line as there is some recession as you can see in the picture attached. However, after some online consultations with coalition doctors clinics, the general opinion has been the same: they don't think I need one. Although I do appreciate their honesty and the fact that they are not blindly selling me a procedure that I may not need for the sake of profit, I would still like to get other patients opinions. Did any of you have a similar pattern of hair loss to mine at my age? And did the recession proceed any further or stay as it was? I'm just wondering if surgery is the way to go, or would most of you stick with meds for now? Your thoughts would be much appreciated, all comments are welcome.


  4. Good idea Leeson, perhaps you should suggest that to the moderators? It would help potential patients make a more informed decision about their choice of doctor. Like I said before, it's every bit as important to expose the cowboys as to recommend the experts.

  5. Hello all,


    Could anyone tell me how I would go about contacting Dr. Feller's clinic? I am currently researching which doctor to go with as I have decided that a HT is exactly what I am looking for. And two doctors whose work has really impressed me is Dr. Feller's and Dr. Farjo's. I have been in contact with The Farjo Clinic and they have been more than helpful. But I would also like to look into what Dr. Feller has to offer.


  6. Hello all,


    Could anyone tell me how I would go about contacting Dr. Feller's clinic? I am currently researching which doctor to go with as I have decided that a HT is exactly what I am looking for. And two doctors whose work has really impressed me is Dr. Feller's and Dr. Farjo's. I have been in contact with The Farjo Clinic and they have been more than helpful. But I would also like to look into what Dr. Feller has to offer.


  7. This is just something I was wondering about, but I am on one quarter of a 5mg tablet of Proscar daily. However, I read somewhere that Proscar is 'The poor man's Propecia'. What exactly does this mean? Is Propecia a better drug? Or are they the same thing only that Proscar is a cheaper brand name for the same drug?

  8. This is just something I was wondering about, but I am on one quarter of a 5mg tablet of Proscar daily. However, I read somewhere that Proscar is 'The poor man's Propecia'. What exactly does this mean? Is Propecia a better drug? Or are they the same thing only that Proscar is a cheaper brand name for the same drug?

  9. Hello HungryHoss,

    Your experience with Dr. Kiely is the very same as the one I had down to the very last detail. I had everything booked and ready, but after discovering this forum I decided to cut my loses and run (I even lost the same amount of money as you did, ?‚¬1000). But we are the lucky ones, check out 'Trebor' and 'Irish30's' horror stories elsewhere on this forum. They are two former patients of his. Which doctor in the U.S. did you go to yourself? Did you get the desired results?

  10. What a surprise! Yet more negative reports about Dr. Kiely. Why is this man allowed to practice hair restoration surgery? I'm sorry to hear about your botched operation Corkbhoy. That's quite a nasty scar you were left with at the hands of Kiely. And it sickens me how he and his website are so deceitful. Not only are his 'before & after' pictures highly suspect, but he also has pictures on display that give the impression to the potential patient that scarring will be minimal. Check these out:




    Once again, the results that he claims to have given his patients seem to differ vastly from the actual results that the patients have received (like Corkbhoy).


    But it's good to hear that you finally had Kiely's hatchet job repaired with Hasson & Wong (who I've heard nothing but good things about during my own short period of research so far).

  11. You have a valid point there Maxxy. But to be honest, I'm not sure if I want the hassle. I'm sure these quacks have it all figured out as regards the legal end of things (hence why their doors remain open). But I guess it would do no harm finding out what my options are. Also, I may be able to shed some light on your question to Trebor earlier (and I don't mean to but in and answer a question intended for someone else). But in relation to the hairs/grafts count, I know that Dr. Kiely only performs 1000 grafts in a single session. He said so himself in a radio interview I heard. Although why this is, I do not know (perhaps it's a way of extracting more money from unsuspecting patients). So it's likely that Trebor was expecting to get 2500 hairs from his session. And in answer to mmhce's question, these are the societies that Dr. Kiely belongs to and as it turns out, he isn't actually lying about this as I checked it out on the societies websites:


    The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons


    The European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery


    The British Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons


    A Licentiate of The Trichological Society of London


    This has opened up a whole new can of worms. As if guys like him can get into these societies then what the hell is going on? Do they just fill in a form and give a fee and bingo! They're in the club? Would I be right to assume that the only society that vets doctor's properly is The Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Surgeons? As it sure seems that way from where I'm standing.

  12. Many thanks to you ALL for your feedback on my posts. And to be honest, your replies do not surprise me in the slightest. I had an inkling that what Dr. Kiely claimed to have performed was too good to be true. And there is a MAJOR difference between what he claims to have done and what he actually DID do on Trebor and Irish30. How the hell do these charlatans get away with it? I always thought that 'you get what you pay for' but clearly this is not always the case as I almost handed over ?‚¬6.5k to this guy for one session that I later cancelled thanks to the advice that I received on this very forum. I did however lose my ?‚¬1000 deposit for booking my surgery. But the way I see it right now is that it's better that I lost my deposit and escaped with my donor follicles intact, than losing another 5.5k and leaving with a nasty scar, destroyed follicles and nothing to show for it.

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