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Everything posted by boyhairfue

  1. Thanks all! It is my first op indeed, and I'm quite nervous about not screwing it up myself, that would kill me In fact I take hot showers, with shampoo and gentle motion for the last few days, but I don't wanna screw it as I said, I'm letting water do its magic. Hopefully it will all turn out well Could you possibly provide a link, cuz I can't seem to find the posts?
  2. Hello everyone, I had a FUE HT, 3 weeks ago in Turkey, 3000grafts and a PRP treatment. As far as I know scabbing should be done by week 2, but when i look at my hair, I still have plenty of dead cells, skin etc. attached to my follicles. Truth is, I'm very gentle with washing and touching my recipient are, since it's a weird hedgehog like feeling and I don't feel putting my fingers in there. What worries me is that now, when I'm entering the hair loss period, I'm noticing few hairs falling with I believe what is scabs still attached to them. What I notice is that the new hairs don't seem that dense You can see at the attached photo. Shall I be worried about the progress so far? Does anyone have any tips for me? Thanks in advance
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