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Posts posted by Born2Shine

  1. I had a procedure for my hairline and temples about 7 weeks ago. This was a dense packing session on an area that had a minimal amount of loss. My doc was one of the highly recommended on this board.


    After 10 days... all my scabs had fallen out and you could see all the new hairs in place. Needless to say, I was ecstatic about the look and the way my new hairline framed my face.


    Of course, all the new hairs had fallen out around the 5th week or so. Although I realize it is normal, It is pretty depressing at week 7.


    I know it depends on the yield... But is it possible that the final result will look similar to the way it looked before the hairs shed?

  2. Thanks for the replies.


    I am almost 7 weeks out and I believe there are quite a few new hairs beginning to pop through the scalp. I am seeing stubble which I suppose could be some of the native hairs growing back after some minor shock loss, but I am thinking these are new. I am hoping this is early growth and a good sign.


    DHT inhibitors really do scare me as I believe DHT plays an important role in the body. I think I am going to chance it and hold off for these new PDG2 antagonists to hit the market. It is looking like they might not be so far off.

  3. I am a long time reader of this site, but his is my first post.


    I recently had a FUE transplant in Turkey for restoration of my temples. I am 42 and have not been on anything up to this point and my hairloss has been pretty stable and fairly minimal.


    That said... I started Avodart about a month before my procedure. Although I have only been taking it a couple times a week, I believe I am experiencing some side effects. This is why I stayed off propecia after trying it about 15 years ago.


    This week, I skipped taking it and I am confused on where to go from here. Although my loss has been minimal over the years, I am sure I will continue to lose more on into the future. I am also concerned that because I am only 6 weeks out, that not taking it may somehow impact the growth I get from my procedure.


    Is it possible that not taking it will somehow impact the yield I get from the work I just had done?


    The other thing I keep thinking about is the fact that I had FUE with Armani when he first started offering it. He dense packed the temple area and lowered my hairline about a centimeter. None of the grafts ended up growing and it turned out to be a waste of time and money.


    Interestingly.... I have read the stories of a number of Armani patients from around that time who received FUE and very little if any of the grafts grew. I think we were the guinea pigs at that time. Looks like he figured out the problem and is getting some good results today though.


    My concern is that having had the original procedure might somehow effect the yield I receive from this one because of fibrosis or something. My doc (one of the best i the world) didn't seemed concerned about it whatsoever.


    I would appreciate any thoughts or insights...

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