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Everything posted by tylercanadian

  1. Hi Vain, I don't think I have lost many native hairs. Not one person noticed I received a hair transplant. I didn't have much redness or bumps. By taking 9 days off work following the procedure the donor site had healed and the hair grew enough to cover the marks. However, it has been a little over 4 months now and unfortunately I do not see any regrowth YET. I hope it starts growing soon.
  2. tylercanadian

    From the album: 9 days after

  3. tylercanadian

    9 days after

  4. tylercanadian

    From the album: 9 days after

  5. tylercanadian

    From the album: 9 days after

  6. tylercanadian

    Before 880 FUE grafts

    I had a receding hairline. My goal was to maintain a natural look, to lower my hairline a bit and to thicken the front.
  7. After 1 week, I started lightly scratching off the scabs of the recipient site. I'm not sure now if I should have. I guess I should have asked or looked into it if I should. I start work tomorrow (day 9 after op) so I wanted it to look as normal as possible. Hopefully that wont negatively affect my hair regrowth. Is there anything specifically I should be doing post op? Thanks for any advice!
  8. Hey, I just want to post about my progress to help others make their decision... I'm a 29yr old male with a receding hairline. Performed 880grafts using FUE.
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