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Posts posted by SunSeeker

  1. Hi dds. Sorry I am late to reply. That is interesting that only 75% of the FUE transplants grew. I guess it makes sense that this is why the density is low. Is this normal? I just read another FUE thread where someone said their "yield" was in the 80%s. I think this is the same as growth. It doesn't look like this gives enough coverage for most guys though. I hope you get more coverage from your next surgery if you have another one! Thank you for answering my questions. It is really helpful for my research.

  2. Hi Delboy000. Thanks for updating your FUE thread. I see that your hair looks kind of curly now in the update pictures. Did Dr Dogannay say this is from the beard grafts? Do you have any more pictures of the top with your head looking down (I don't know what this angle is called)? I am looking at FUE myself and I think I might need a similar amount of graphs on top and was wondering what you looked like from the top now? Thank you!

  3. Hi zx_toth. Thank you for sharing your FUE pictures. Big change! I'm considering FUE myself and I've read through your thread a few times. I was also wondering if you have any of that topik powder in your hair in the 5 month pictures you shared? It seems like this stuff can be helpful after an FUE.

  4. HI Stinger99. Thank you again for updating your thread. The pictures are very helpful to those of us researching FUE. I'm sad to read about the progress and see the growth you are talking about in the pictures though. When you say 85% yeild, you mean 85% grew right? I don't know if it looks like that either. Do doctors actually shave down and count like you said above? I would be interested to see what your growth really ended up being. But I really do wish you the best of luck. I know you will get this all straightened out. Thank you again for sharing your story and pictures. I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but it is rally helpful to people considering FUE to read real experiences and see actual pictures.

  5. Hi Raj_jay. Thank you for answering my question. I hope you will update us when you talk to him in november. I have seen 2 patients from Dr Bhatti with this problem now, and I don't think I have seen it from other FUEs before. I have been researching Dr Bhatti for a long time, so it will be nice if he finds out what happened. I really hope he explains it to you and helps you out! I hope you will update your thread in November.

  6. Hi Newbie33. Sounds like we are pretty much in the same boat. At least you can take propecia. I can't and really wish I could. I am still trying to research FUE with an open mind, but I just feel less confidant about it every day.


    Hi Matt and HTsoon. I thought everybody said the growth from strip was higher than FUE? But with FUE you don't get the scar line, so this is the advantage. But I thought everybody knew that the growth was not as good?

  7. Hi stinger99. Thank you for answering my question. I'm glad Dr Bisanga explained why he thinks the FUE grafts didn't grow as well. I hope he is right about the next one growing better! I'm excitted to see your pictures tomorrow. Thank you for sharing all of this information. Even though I don't like reading about the FUE cases that did not grow like we would want, it is still helpful to the guys researching FUE.

  8. Thank you for coming back on dds. I'm sorry to hear about the poor density. This is the second result I have seen from Dr Bhatti where the FUEs didn't seem to grow? Have you been able to talk to him about this and ask why? I'm looking into FUE myself and all this info is really helpful. The good and the bad. I really hope you are able to meet your goals with another surgery. I hope you will let us know if Dr Bhatti explains why he thinks the growht was not as good.

  9. HI Stinger. Thank you for updating the thread. But I'm sad to hear about the growth being below expectations. Did Dr Bisanga have any idea why it only grew 85%? I'm trying to stay positive and keep researching FUE surgery, but I'm becoming very concerned by the number of results like this I'm seeing. I really hope you are are able to get this all fixed up with Dr Bisanga. Please let us know if you do and if he figures out what could have caused the growth problem. I really wish you luck. Thank you again.

  10. Newbie33,


    I feel the exact same way. I came here with my mind set and really just wanted to pick a FUE doctor. Now I keep seeing FUE patients not growing well and I'm not even sure about the procedure.


    Thank you for answering my question Ezel. I really hope you get this fixed. Please let us know if Dr Feriduni tells you why he thinks the FUE didn't grow well.

  11. I had a 2000 graft FUE and not a day goes by that I don't increasingly regret having this HT. It was an impetuous foolish 'mid-life' crisis mistake. I'm so angry and disappointment with myself for going through with it and having myself disfigured with a HT. I should have just accepted the natural aging process with dignity. Now I look like a freak, I'm 10 times more self conscious of my appearance than I ever was prior to the HT. having to explain your strange hairline and haircut appearance to people is embarrassing. If I could undo this and go back to my NW 2-3 I would. This is worse. WAY worse. Learn from my mistake. I'm borderline depressed and reclusive now, on most nights voluntarily opting for solitary confinement rather than having to go out into the world and face people.


    Thanks for sharing Biolizard. I'm on the fence about getting an FUE right now, and it helps to hear both the good and bad experiences. Although this did make me more unsure, I really appreciate it.

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