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Everything posted by Brutus

  1. Rashid, it looks to me that your hair is thicker after you?ve used the products. Can it work that fast? I read that the hairs normally shed in the beginning and later on it grows more thicker, stronger hairs? I?m tempted to try minox or lipogaine. But where do you think I should apply it, is it wasted to try in hairline or crown? Or should I focus on the edges where the minituarization is?
  2. What do you think the density as in the crown in this link that was posted earlier in the thread? http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/183066-dr-carlos-k-wesley-replacing-toupee-beard-fue-scalp-fut.html
  3. Okay I understand. Could a person use SMP as a filler if the hair is a couple of inches or would it look strange? My previous question about different density. How many fu/cm2 is decent coverage? Could you post some pics with different density
  4. Ok I see.. Ive experience libido-loss from different medications during the years. Antidepressants in general seems to have this sideeffect on me, but lowering the dose has always solved the problem. When I meet a dr for consultation, will he be able to see in a minituarazion test for sure if I will progress to a NW7 or not?
  5. Thank you, many good advice. If I would try finasteride, isnt just to stop right away if I would have any sides or can you loose libido permanent after a short while on the med? Have you heard of any regrowth after hairs have been lost for years? Why isnt minoxidil enough? I have thin fuzzy hairs on top for quite some time, can I expect they will be thicker and stronger. When you talk about decent coverage, how many fu/cm2 do you mean? Do you have any pics with different density what to expect?
  6. Before I posted here I pretty much thought I wouldn?t loose that much more hair, but now I realize that I will most certain loose more, maybe alot more than I think.. Thank you really for your comments and of course you?re right with that I should plan this really carefully. What steps to take. One thing I?ve wished for is to just accept the baldness, shave it all off and live my life. I?ve tried it but it become the start of 10 years with stress, anxiety and major depressions. I know it?s all in my mind, I wish that I could face it better but I can?t. I also wondering how using hairpiece affects the hairs that are under and close to the system. I use glue, and the scalp is getting pretty dry.
  7. Thanks man! I will not jump into anything, I?m thinking after long och good research before I know what surgeons, method, etc to choose and if I?m a candidate of course.. Problem where I live is really far distance to surgeons, I hope this summer maybe visit some and get a live consultation. I just checked out your thread, wow what a difference, truly amazing what they can achieve. One question, did you use all your beard hairs, or only them under the jaw bone? Can you use armpit hairs? Question to all of you, what good surgeons in BHT can you recommend?
  8. My dad?s Norwood is perhaps NW6 now, but he has a little more hair on top and higher lateral humps. he started loosing his hair after his 30?s, his dad has similar but loosing hair even later that dad.. On my mother?s side my grandfather is NW7, his two sons had very aggressive hairloss in their young 20?s I think and are NW7 today I believe.
  9. Does that mean a FUT would be hard to acomplish? If I would get a result like that i would be very happy
  10. Thank you all for your comments! This summer I will try to visit a wellknown surgeon for a live consultation for evaluation. That?s so true Dutchie, exactly how I feel. This hairloss has caused me alot of misery and pain, and I will NEVER have a short buzz haircut again. I?ve tried before. The options are either hairsystem or transplant. The backup scenario is to work on the temples with a thin hairline then put the system behind it. I really feel that I?m not looking for a full head of hair again, actually I think the hairsystem are in a sense too perfect, I try to have lower density and more of a mature hairline, that feels better but again, it feels fake, and not to mention all the work with keeping the front edge unvisible. As HTsoon writes about thinned nape hairs, It?s correct, I don?t know if it moves upwards?! Lets say I have a thinner donorarea than average, is it impossible to reach my goals? I?m also open to BHT.
  11. Thank you for your replies! I know I should try finasteride a long time ago, but I?m scared of the sideeffects. I?ve battled with major depressions for several years (much due to the hairloss) taking medication for that too. Also read about chronic libido loss after taking Propecia.. What are your thoughts on that? I tried to take some new pics. The hair is little bit shorter on these ones. I got a haircut yesterday for my new hairpiece. So the area in the middle of the back of the head has longer hair, appears much thicker.. It?s cut that way to fit the hairpiece, What do you think, does the donorarea looks allright or is it thin? I draw a red line where I would like to get transplant, crown excluded. I?m also wondering how many grafts per cm2 is a goal for people in my situation. Lets say my area is 100cm2, how many grafts would be needed to get it light covered? Do you have any pics with hair on different density?
  12. Hey! I?m 34 years NW6, started loosing hair since I was 20. I?ve weared hairpieces the last 3 years, but I?m not really happy about it, it feels fake and a lot of work. I miss the feeling of my own hair. The time before I had lost to much hair (I was maybe 24-25) I had a pretty bald crown and little bit thinning hairline but I was happy with it. I?m not looking to cover all head with high density. I would be happy with a bald crown, but some coverage the first half of the head. I?ve meassured the area I would like to cover, it is about 100cm2. Is it possible to think I could get some decent coverage for that area if I leave the crown bald? How many grafts would you think would be needed?
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