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Posts posted by pax

  1. Hi Bill


    Apologies for the late reply KSL thought I was being unfair previously, even though I raised concerns about them not filling in bald areas with any grafts the week the surgery was done.


    After my nine month review they said they would redo the surgery only on condition on me removing my previous posts, when I was unable to do this they prepared a statement for me to post on another thread which was to be posted or there would be no redo.


    Unfortunately it was a big mistake for me to put my trust in them a second time as I now have scarring at the back to go with my patchy result at the front.


    When I first raised my concerns about this they assured me that the scarring would go away, but a year on now & it's shown no improvement. They now have reverted back to being evasive & have contradicted themselves when I have spoken to them about it.


    They have told me that they have seen worse scarring than this at the back & that customers are usually happy just to have more hair on top, but I haven't found anyone like this on here.


    Maybe I'm just being picky, but I haven't seen anyone who has been left with scarring at the back of their head being happy about it.


  2. Apologies to anyone who posted a reply to my previous posts & didn’t receive one in return.

    The previous glowing post was not written by me it was written by KSL & was posted as a condition for them to allow the redo. As ?4000 is no small sum of money for me I agreed to the fix & posted the comment as requested.

    Here is the email I received from Simon Lindsay before the redo


    You are going back on your word and your signed agreement

    You either agree to remove all posts or put up the following online.

    ''I would like to point out that this was not a failed hair transplant. As all the implanted hair has grown through now. Having had a further discussion with KSL Hair they have generously agreed to give more density to the areas needed at no extra cost. I am very happy with this response and will keep you all updated on the progress of the implanted areas. My hasty comments have been proven wrong as KSL Hair requested the opportunity to resolve my discomfort and I've agreed''

    Choose either Neil as if one doesn't happen then the procedure won't happen)

    KSL thought I was being unfair to them, so I have given them the entire year since the redo before posting any follow up, even though I still have a patchy result at the front & now to add insult to injury I also have visible scarring at the back!

    KSL assured me that this scarring would go away, but it hasn’t, they have continually contradicted themselves when I spoken to them about it & have since reverted back to being evasive about it.

    Unfortunately It seems my previous assessment of them was correct & I would urge anyone considering using them to think twice about it, as I've been continually been messed about by them from the very beginning & personally I don't think attempting to blackmail a customer into posting something positive before they will fix a poor result is the conduct of a company you can trust.


  3. ''I would like to point out that this was not a failed hair transplant. As all the implanted hair has grown through now. Having had a further discussion with KSL Hair they have generously agreed to give more density to the areas needed at no extra cost. I am very happy with this response and will keep you all updated on the progress of the implanted areas. My hasty comments have been proven wrong as KSL Hair requested the opportunity to resolve my discomfort and I've agreed

  4. I already posted pictures on another thread, but I'm happy to update them with new photographic evidence taken today.


    The first pic is pre op & the others are from today eight months from my op.


    The left bald patches with no grafts in & a lot of the hair they did put in isn't even growing in the right direction, some even going in the opposite direction of my existing hair!


    If you wanna risk your money with them be my guest. I'm only telling folks my own experience with them, which hasn't been good.





  5. You can't really see it at wrong angles and to be fair if I met you I couldn't tell you had HT which is good. However, 2 points - from what I can see in pics you weren't really needing it that badly and more importantly I can't believe you had to shell out 4k for 100 grafts that is insane pricing.


    My total price was 7k which has now dramatically reduced after phone call made to me recently and that's for an absolute ton more work buddy.


    After op - obviously head area is red......how long after op would you say you could go out and no one would notice recipetent area (redness)?


    It looks worse when I let it grow in because many of the grafts are growing in the opposite direction of my natural hair so I'm kinda forced to keep it short right now.


    If they're trying to scam folks with their pricing like that, it doesn't sound like they're to be trusted if you ask me.


    I'm probably not the best person to ask that question, because I had so little put in I didn't have much redness & it had settled in a couple of days, the scabs took a couple of weeks to fall out completely though, so you'd probably notice that more if you were getting a lot of grafts put in.


    Hope that's helpful mate. ;)

  6. Hi guys, I've also been looking in to KSL. There not recommended on here though, so I'm not sure if I'm going to ring them to be honest. Also, I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience.. :(


    I saw a player called Anthony Stokes who went there, and his result looked fantastic! :) However, it seems like they ONLY make effort on those who are footballers.. ?


    Thanks Roberto, I went there after seeing the Anthony Stokes photos, worst thing I ever done though, not only did I get ripped off on the price, but my result isn't even half decent either!


    From what I've read on here & my own experience I'd recommend folks stay well clear of them, they left bald patches without any grafts in & many of the grafts that were put in are at odd angles, with some of them even going in the opposite direction of my natural hair which look terrible when I let them grow in.


    Worst still is the hassle I've had from them since it was done, it's pretty clear it's not good, but they've continually fobbed me off for months & outright lied to me.


    I've made 7 requests for them to email me the close up post op photos they took of each temple that showed the bald patches the left, but they've still not sent them, which is pretty telling if you ask me.


    You're probably best to look outside of Glasgow from what I've read on here, I wish I'd have discovered these forums before I took the plunge myself.

  7. I'm sure some places would just tell the person to come back in a few years time rather than do 100 only. You must have full head of hair and just need a mega small tweak in that case.


    Do you think yours actually looks worse and better before in that case mate?


    Maybe, I only went to three clinics for consultations, they were all happy to go ahead & do a transplant for me.


    Personally I don't feel it's any better at all, but here's some photos & you can judge for yourself.


    The first is pre transplant & the others are from today, over seven months on.


    Maybe my expectations were too high, but I feel pretty cheated to be honest, I don't think there's much of a difference at all & some of the grafts seem to have been implanted at odd angles & it seems to look worse when I grow it in. :\




  8. Thanks mate, I probably shouldn't have mentioned I was involved in professional football as no doubt that added on an e try 2k to the bill........I'll be more 'on the ball' in future :(


    Ha Ha Well if the price they charged me is anything to go by maybe that's just their normal prices! :\


    Hope you have better luck whoever you decide to go with anyhoo mate. ;)

  9. 100 grafts !!!!!!!! That's literally nothing as I'm sure they told me 3000.............


    Yup & I paid ?4000 for it, so that's ?40 per graft I doubt even Wayne Rooney's HT cost that much per graft! :| KSL might be the most expensive place in the UK if my case is anything to go by! :\


    Unfortunately I don't have anywhere near a footballers income so it's even more a blow to waste so much money on a poor result.


    I wouldn't recommend anyone trust these guys especially if you're on any kind of budget, you might not get what you paid for.

  10. I'm sure they will mate and really hope they do for you. Did you go for consultations anywhere else and after op how long would you say it was noticeable that you had done FUE (eg would your work mates have known 3 weeks after it? Etc....)


    Thanks so do I! :)


    I only went to UK hair & Transform clinic, the only reason I went for KSL was that I wasn't keen on the idea of travelling down to London or Manchester to have it done. I never really done my research before jumping in to be honest & I guess I've paid the price for that.


    Well the difference in my hair isn't exactly huge, so no one has mentioned it to me, so I'm guessing that the difference hasn't been all that noticeable since I had it done. Maybe folks are just being polite though.


    Originally I was supposed to be getting 300 grafts for receding temples, but the surgeon decided I only needed 100 on the day, so you can imagine it hasn't exactly made a huge difference as you would expect for such a small number of grafts.

  11. Cheers, that's the one I went to for consultation a couple of weeks back. Prob best defo avoid given the hassle you guys are having.........shame as the place is full of footballers they claim to have done wonder jobs on.


    I'm sure if you're someone in the public eye they would roll out the red carpet for you & make more of an effort to give you a good result. My own experience has been far from good & as things stand I couldn't recommend them. Even if they make good their promise & fix things I don't understand why they left bald areas without grafts in, in the first place. :\


    Colin it was Dr Malkani, who was yours?

    How did you get on with your meeting yesterday?

  12. Thanks for all the comments so far folks :)


    Hairshopeing - I'll have look at PM thanks mate.


    Pax - was yours KSL in Glasgow and if so how long ago?


    Needmoarhair - did you go over for long weekends to see Belgium & Madrid places? If you don't mind me asking what's the pricing like with Lorenzo at Madrid?


    Thanks all for help to date.


    Yup the one in Glasgow, just over six & a half months ago, still time for it to improve but it doesn't look great & I'm pretty concerned that they left some bald patches with no grafts in. I'm still hoping they will stick to their word & fix it if it doesn't come good though.

  13. Hi Colin they were nice & friendly enough with me, but it still feels like a bit of salesmanship to be honest, they said if it still hasn't come through at the nine month phase then they will redo it for me, but they said that for the six month stage & I'm already past that.


    Can't see how I can get growth in areas where no grafts were placed, but I guess I'll have to give them the benefit of the doubt (again) or pay for another costly procedure elsewhere.


    I've dealt with it this long so I guess I can manage to wait another couple of months.


    Hope all goes well with yours mate. :)

  14. You're doing the right thing in doing your research before booking a HT I wish I had!


    I used KSL for mine & I can tell you that they're completely different once they have parted you with your money, they left me with bald patches with no grafts in & my result is poor & patchy.


    At first they told me that if it didn't come good in 6 months that would redo it for me, then after 6 months that became a year! If you want my advice they're not to be trusted.


    I'm now facing the prospect of spending a fortune again to get their mess fixed. There are others on here with similar poor experiences with them too, so going outwith Glasgow is probably a good idea from what you mentioned about your experience with the Glasgow clinic earlier in your thread.


    Good Luck in your search anyhoo mate.

  15. Pax, what have they said to you so far? They haven't said anything to me. The actually called me yesterday. I get on ok with them so I'm hoping for a reasonable outcome. However I was constantly told that everything looks fine anytime I brought up any concerns I had. I have been to a dermatologist and a trichologist that have backed my concerns. What have you discussed with them and how did they respond to you?


    Similar to yourself, even though I brought up my concerns straight away, that were bald patches that were left with no grafts in, they've fobbed me off every time & tried to convince me that it will come good somehow.


    Six and half months later & my result is a patchy mess just as I feared it would be.


    Originally they told me that if I didn't get a good result in six months time they would redo it for me, now they're telling me I'll have to wait a whole year!


    I've not found any other clinics that expect you to wait that long, but I've felt like I'm being lied to by them as the owner of the clinic is evasive beyond belief, their own post op photos show that there were bald patches left bare, I've requested that they send me a copy of these 3 times now, but they still haven't sent them.


    It all seems pretty fishy to me & I'm not holding out much faith on getting any kind of positive outcome from them.

  16. Pax, any joy getting your money back? I know a great place that will remove it and even out your skin. Takes a few months but works a treat.


    Nope, did you? I was thinking of looking for a no win no fee lawyer to take on my case. Is there anywhere you can report this clinic to?


    Thanks for the offer of help, I think my scalp seems ok, they just put hardly any grafts in & left bald patches. Maybe I was lucky they put in so little though as some of them seem to be growing at an odd angle too.


    Anyhoo like you I would recommend folks stay well clear of them, they're not to be trusted that's for sure!

  17. Hope you haven't gone ahead & booked with them already, they're not to be trusted!


    They left my hair worse than it was before the transplant by leaving bald patches without grafts in my hair looks a patchy mess & I'm facing the prospect of spending a fortune again to get it fixed!


    Hope it goes well if you decide to go ahead with a hair transplant, but I would strongly recommend folks to steer well clear of KSL hair & look elsewhere.

  18. Hi, I'm hoping to get some advice following a hair transplant I had at KSL hair clinic in Glasgow UK.


    It's now 5 months on since the procedure, & I'm not exactly thrilled at the results.


    I've posted pics 10 days post op & how it is now 5 months on, I've been using regaine extra strength since the op to maintain my natural hair.


    I've had a bad feeling about the op from the day it was done, especially, Dr Malkani continually reduced the number of grafts he said I needed from 300, to 200, the finally to 100


    I don't think nearly enough grafts were placed & I've been fobbed off by the clinic each time I've asked about it.


    I was hoping someone can give me some advice on what you can do if a clinic does a poor transplant? Is there someplace I can take my complaint to?


    Thanks in advance





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