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Posts posted by secondtryuser

  1. Hi,

    So I know the consensus on this site is to ask your doctor for specific post-transplant styling options, as well as total time post op one should wait before using products, but does anyone know the rationale behind waiting? 

    I can completely understand the need to wait for the skin to heal, but after that, why do many docs not like styling products? Is there some suggestion they can harm the transplanted hairs? 

  2. Best thing is for you to just try it yourself. There are many alternatives to this brand available for cheaply. They’re not designed specifically for men suffering from hair loss. They’re designed to add volume for anyone. The difference between texture powder and topik is that texture powders work in the hair rather than on the scalp. These powders make the hairs themselves denser, if you will. They’re widely used. My sister who has thick, gorgeous hair even uses them (many girls do). 

    They also ‘hold’ the hair too, making it styled, and enabling moulding. 

  3. Hey guys,

    Can I just sense check something regarding sun exposure and graft survival post HT? Suppose one lives in a cooler climate and is exposed to the sun for a long time, but due to the cooler temperatures does not tan or burn, are the grafts completely unimpacted? i.e. is it only strong sun, strong enough to leave a tan or sunburn, that can impact graft survival? 

  4. Hey guys,

    has anyone got experience of having rental x rays post op? Or alternatively read anything about the impact having dental x-rays could have on graft survival? I’m due to get a dental x-ray but can hold it off if I should wait for a particular length of time post HT. I’m currently 3 months post op. 
    Any info or suggestions would be gratefully received! 
    Thanks 😀

  5. 19 hours ago, jjalay said:

    There is no way that you can harm the grafts this way, if this was the case everyone who gets cold showers or goes regularly swimming at the beach would be bald.

    Isn’t this the central question though - are grafts at 3 months just like non-transplanted grafts, or, while physically secure, are they still delicate and need certain conditions to become normal hair?  

  6. 13 hours ago, BlueSkyDay said:

    I believe the ideal solution ignoring cost considerations is to select a surgeon  that does all the FUE and implantation and who guarantees his work.

    The country’s laws should also offer protection.

    i have booked a consultation with Dr Custodio

    But as Melvin explained above, very few doctors do this. Even then best ones don’t. This is largely because it would take way too long and also physically it’s a repetitive task - in my view you don’t want those doc hands getting tired. 

  7. Hey,

    At three months post op, I've kind of forgotten about my HT and the extra precautions I should be following...until now. Our boiler is broken so, not adverse to cold water, I'm having freezing cold showers, to the extent that after the shower I have a slight headache for a few minutes. Could this vascular contraction cause the grafts harm (they aren't growing yet)? 

    Thanks in advance! 


  8. Hi everyone,

    So there seems to be a consensus that you can’t cut your recipient for several months after the HT. My doc doesn’t give any advice on this matter (awaiting response). 

    I visited the barber today for the first time since my HT at 2 months post op, just to get the sides and back buzzed. This is what he did, but when doing the sides, to fade it in, he went really high up my scalp and touched the edges of the recipient. Could this have impacted the transplanted grafts inside?! I’m freaking out! 


  9. Hey guys,

    for those that use ketoconazole shampoo, how long after a hair transplant did you wait before you started to use it? 

    This site suggests waiting four months: https://www.yetkinbayer.com/en/is-it-safe-to-use-nizoral-shampoo-after-recent-hair-transplant.html

    My doc said it’s fine after 14 days. 

    Would be grateful to hear others thoughts and advice from their doctors. 


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  10. On 1/26/2024 at 3:40 PM, Cooper48 said:

    I think of it simply.  At 8 weeks your grafts are normal functioning hair follicles. They are just in the telogen phase.  If what you do would affect your hair before transplant it probably will affect the hair that has been placed in a different position on your head.  Chances are you have had a few nights out before the transplant and had no impact on your hair.  Obviously heavy regular drinking would wreak havoc on your body's nutrients, minerals, etc. and you could expect all of your hair to become brittle, etc. 

    I like this way of thinking about it

  11. Firstly - thanks to everyone for their contributions. 

    I guess now this has moved more to interest rather than my own personal experience, and hopefully others who come to search the forum will find this thread useful. 

    Totally get the point on zero correlation between alcoholics and MPB, but, isn’t there a difference between newly implanted grafts and hairs that haven’t been implanted? And if so, when can we stop thinking of grafts as ‘new’, i.e. when do they behave like normal non-transplanted grafts? Is this after that precarious 10-14 day post-op period, as soon as they are completely bound to your scalp and would require surgery to remove them? 

    Or alternatively, do they continue needing extra nutrients (and where alcohol may become problematic as it is also carried in the bloodstream) for a while in order to survive? And if the answer to this is ‘yes’, then how long is a while?

  12. Hi, 

    I’m 8 weeks post-op and last night after work I went out with colleagues as we had a reason to celebrate. I ended up having about 8 drinks. It’s the first alcohol I’ve had since the transplant. 

    I’ve looked at many resources online and they (often coming directly from doctors) all say you can drink. But then the grey area of ‘just don’t over do it’. What is over doing it? 

    More importantly, what impact does over doing it have on your grafts? Specifically, can it limit their growth or kill them? 

    Any advice warmly received! 😀

  13. 54 minutes ago, taza said:

    I had some of these stubble hairs after the first surgery and I got even more after the top up surgery. I did ask the doctor, but he was unable to explain why these stubble hairs are not growing or shedding.

    I’ve got them too, and doing a search on here shows many guys get them. There doesn’t seem to be a definitive answer to them. 

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