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Everything posted by Carve

  1. Hey, thanks for taking the time to write all that. I thought he had a good reputation here. I usually here his name mentioned as one of the best FUE doctors.
  2. I'm turning 26 next month and have never had my hair professionally assessed. I live in Vancouver, so I could go see Hasson & Wong for a consolation. However, I am strongly considering going overseas for FUE one of these years. Would it be a waste of $100 to get a in-person consolation right now? This is my hair: I mean, what could they even tell me besides, "Yeah, you have some recession and should get on fin." Is it worth going just to get my donor area looked at? Would they be able to guess how much more I'm destined to lose?
  3. I ask because I tried taking Propecia and it gave me very bad mental side effects. I'm turning 26 soon and I'm a NW2. I wish for a straighter hairline now and it's frustrating not knowing how my hair loss will naturally progress.
  4. You mean there's a way to determine/estimate what NW I'm destined to become? Just for comparison, here is what my hairline looked a year ago.
  5. I've been taking citalopram every day for like 5 years for my anxiety. So when I got Propecia, I took 0.25 mg before bed. Woke up in the morning, felt fine, took my 20 mg citalopram pill, then went to school. At school, I started feeling a little weird in the head, but it was tolerable. Night comes along, I take another 0.25 and go to bed. In the morning I take another citalopram pill and felt very off afterwards. Decided not take anymore Propecia after that. I felt dizzy/couldn't concentrate/clouded/heavy for over a month. It was really annoying. I just wanted to sleep so I could escape it. Once my mental sides finally went away, I started getting these itchy, periodic, bee stinging sensations all over my body. It was constant. That lasted a few weeks, went away for a while, then came back again. I believe the Propecia may have damaged my neurons. Apparently that's a thing, although I've never heard of anyone else on the internet getting that as a side effect. I know it seems crazy because 0.25 mg is so little, but I'm not exaggerating. Maybe the citalopram and Propecia didn't mix well with my body, I don't know. My dad's dad has good hair for his age. My dad has taken lots of steriods and crap, so it's hard to judge, but it's thinned...still OK. My mom's dad went bald. My mom's brothers all have some hair loss. My brothers (19 and 24) have better hairlines than me.
  6. Hello. 25-year-old male here looking for some honest opinions regarding my hair. Few things I'd like to mention. - I have no idea how old I was when my hairline began to recede. From age 13-23, I had "skater hair" so my bangs would always cover my forehead. It wasn't until I cut my hair short a month before my 24th birthday that I noticed my hairline wasn't as straight as the look I was going for when I styled the front of my hair. - Over a year later and I would say that my hairline hasn't gotten much worse, so I guess it's not very aggressive. I have no hair loss at the crown. - I tried Propecia just once last November at 0.25 mg and it gave me the worst brain fog ever. Being awake was torture, I just wanted to sleep so I didn't have to deal with the mental sides. Took me over a month to recover. No way did I experience a placebo effect. - I've been using Regenepure DR every other day and S5 Cream every night for a year. I've also been thinking of trying RU58841. - I want a nicer hairline. I have the means to get one. I do, however, believe I should probably wait a little longer before getting one. How long exactly? I don't know. I obviously would like it fixed right now, but I have no idea how much more I'm going to recede in the future. I guess I could always get more than one transplant done... I can't take Propecia. These pictures were taken today. Left side Right side Thoughts? What would you do if you were me?
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