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Posts posted by Durhamboy

  1. Stress is a very uncommon reason for hair loss and it definitely gets blamed a disproportionate amount. Overwhelmingly the chances are it's not stress, but genetics.


    I would go to the Farjo clinic to get an analysis if you think it's something else.


    I may lose 20 hairs even after a shower so I would stress about what is falling out but about what's not filling in.


    Thanks Spanker, will get in touch with Farjo. How do they analyse the current state of the hair/follicles etc?

  2. Stress is a very uncommon reason for hair loss and it definitely gets blamed a disproportionate amount. Overwhelmingly the chances are it's not stress, but genetics.


    I would go to the Farjo clinic to get an analysis if you think it's something else.


    I may lose 20 hairs even after a shower so I would stress about what is falling out but about what's not filling in.


    Thanks Spanker

  3. his work is actually quite good and his prices are some of the most competitive in the US.


    Thanks Busa, yes looking at his results they appear impressive. Price is a bonus too as ?10k plus is out of my price range factoring in travelling over the US too.

  4. This is a great forum and done plenty of research on which surgeon to go for and have chosen Vories to get in touch with next week. Depending on the consultation outcome I have 3 others on the list as well.


    Thanks for the help/advice. Much appreciated.

  5. Presently losing 2/3 hairs whilst just brushing hair after washing it and what I have left after many transplants is thinning by the week. Just ordered Proscar and Dut which should be here any day. Two questions


    If stress makes your hair fall out if this is the reason am losing it then if it's the transplanted hairs falling out will they return?


    Would it be worth seeing a skin/dermatologist to get an opinion and if so can anyone recommend someone in the UK?


    Many thanks in advance, this hair loss is so frigging depressing.

  6. Saw a remark on another thread saying along the lines of huge differences in pricing in the UK and I guess be the same throughout the world.


    Considering a HT now and just wondering how the top guys compare pricing wise, for example Lorenzo sounds very expensive as good as he is. How do guys like Farjo, Konior, Kessler, Bisanga, Reddy compare.


    Whilst we all want the best possible results from who we see am sure there are plenty of guys who cannot afford some of the large prices being charged out there.

  7. Sorry to hear that you visited Norton in the 90's I also had surgery twice with Norton in 96 and 97. Do your research and consult a number of Doctors in person if possible in your situation. Dr Farjo and Dr Reddy are the recommended Doctors on this site and would be a good place to start.


    Personal choice but I always go for the branded medication rather than any generics online. I have been using Dr Ashcroft in the UK for many years now drop me a line if you want his contact details.


    Thanks garage, will pm you, what does Dr Ashcroft charge? I just found pharmacydirectgb you need a private prescription or they will do one after consultation and their prices look very low.

  8. Who are the best in the UK guys? Ideally looking for scar correction due to poor surgery back in the late 90s from Dr Norton and a FUT to really thicken things up. Been reading about the Crown Clinic and Dr Shahmalak but reviews appear mixed.


    Also can anyone recommend best place to buy Proscar and Dutasteride without prescription and shipped to England.



  9. I had been on fin for around 10 years, and switch Over to Dut 3 months ago. I have been side effect free and even experienced a libido bump for what it's worth.


    Have you noticed any improvement/regrowth or stabilization taking dut?

  10. How successful was the Frechet extender?


    Looking at how it works it basically pulls up the 'horseshoe' hair at the sides and reduces the bald area on top. What may have happened is that you continued to lose hair from the fringe areas over time which has led to the middle/crown thinning out., i.e. you have progressed from a NW5 to a NW6.


    It looks like you still have a decent band of hair at the back and sides to be able to get some FUE grafts to increase density on top. All is not lost.


    What are the scar(s) like at the back of your head?


    Very painful for 2 days but well worth it as it really did tighten a lot of skin/scalp allowing a great deal of grafts to be inserted into the scar and no sign of any work at all.


    Unfortunately I don't have a lot to play with after 2 treatments with the butcher Norton, 1 with Dr Rose and 4 with Dr Frechet. Norton wasted an awful lot of good donor and left two nasty scars too which I have to cover with hair and can be seen when wet. No wonder he was struck off, terrible man.


    Here is an image before any work done in 2002 aside Dr Norton mid to late 90s which yielded no growth anyway.


    Do you think a combo of Proscar and Dutasteride might be worth trying before a consultation with someone highly respected and excellent in their field like Dr Konior? Had hoped with the amount of work I'd had done wouldn't have to go through all this again.


    Imagine have enough for one last good transplant.


  11. Thanks Gram was thinking of combining it with Proscar asap. Here some images after surgery in 2002 with Dr Rose and 2003 to 2005 with Dr Frechet. These were taken in 2005-2006.


    I'll dig out the first photo where it all started so you can see I had very little initially so it wasn't a case of that falling out. Guess my point is I had so little to begin with why has so much of the transplanted hair fallen out now and IF I go for another procedure is it likely the same outcome will occur in 18 months time. Even in the last 3 months the loss has been huge and no idea why. :confused:




  12. I'm using them in roughly a 3:1 ratio (taking a couple of tabs of Avodart per week).


    Not noticed any hair loss since adopting this regime a few months back, but need to monitor it over a longer period and grow my hair longer to say for sure.


    By the way, I've not heard about Dr Frechet for years.......is he still active and performing HT's?


    Thanks gambler, can you break that down please?


    Dr Frechet as far as I know still performs, although not had a reply to email on 14th April, he did mine in October 2013 in Geneva having moved from Paris before. He did an excellent job on the extender and work from 2003-2005 but my last one has been a huge disappointment to be honest and no real growth has come through. :confused:

  13. I was using Proscar for a good 15 years(1.25 mg daily) but my hair was still falling out, since stopping 18 months ago as advised by Dr Frechet it seems to be accelerating more, (transplanted hair falling out). Now considering going back to Proscar and Dutasteride as a combination.


    Recommended and if so what sort of combination amounts per week? Has anyone had success using them both?



  14. Thanks Nick, yes it looks a great place to be for information, advice, help and to share feedback experienced. Be interested in others opinions on who is the best out there in Europe or the UK? I liked Dr Rose and Shapiro is rated highly for the USA.


    Question on Proscar/Propecia once stopped and then restarted is that adviseable or is a resistance built up over many years that remains with you if you restart at any time?

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