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Everything posted by shakesby

  1. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, my mum is taking the piss. She's said multiple times I better get a wife ASAP because nobody will want to marry me when I'm bald. Which was nice of her. I've zoomed in on one of my higher quality photos and I thought I could see one or two shorter hairs - which would indicate miniturisation(sp). Bristles would be the best way to describe them. It would be nice to be able to do something about keeping my hair. But at the same time finasteride, from what I've researched about it, makes me a little nervous considering the side effects. For example, is the DHT reduction permanent? Minoxidil I don't know a great deal about. I always assumed it was a bit of a fad... But I'm going to look it up. Thanks for the response. The sensible thing to do would be to see a Doc. And I may as well. My local one would openly laugh in my face if I asked him, so I'm going to branch out. Highly doubt I'll be referred to a Derm (I'm British) mind. Any more responses would be appreciated! Even if I'm not suffering from MPB, or in the early stages as NoTakeBacks said, it can't hurt to be prepared.
  2. Hi, Over the past year or so I've noticed hair loss, where in the past it either hasn't bothered me enough to notice, or it isn't as bad as it is now. By no means is it dramatic hair loss, but I'm noticing when I run my hands through my hair I can catch two or three hairs left over on my fingers. Now I'd noticed this without thinking too much, but recently when returning home (I'm at University), I was sat under some pretty harsh artificial light and my Mother walked past, stopped and said 'blimey! I think you're going bald, Jon' and hunted around in my hair. At the time I kind of laughed and told her to stop winding me up, but I recently checked the back of my head, my scalp area, and noticed that my hair whorl was showing a bit of scalp. Since then, I've been feeling a slight burning, or irritation on my scalp - something I've just read is linked to MPB, although this is probably due to my paranoia. I've since mentioned it to my Mum who's been mercilessly coming up and asking how 'baldy' is doing and I can't get a straight answer out of her as to whether it's actually serious or not. Some people I've seen have checked when asked and said it's absolutely fine, just a normal hair whorl, and to stop being silly. So I thought I'd ask some objective views. When I hold a mirror up to see the back of my head normally, it looks fine really. At certain angles the whorl looks thin, but definitely not a bald spot. The photos do make the whorl look bigger than it actually is, but it's revealed some thinness I didn't think I had. I have had a slight receding hairline for a while now. I think part of that could be attributed to the pretty harsh, Elvis combed and pomaded back which put a lot of stress on my hair, but throughout that time my whorl felt absolutely fine. It even began to grow differently so it was flat rather than a spiral, but that's changed since my haircut. My Mum says my Dad has a monk's patch.. Which doesn't fill me with confidence. She also said though that at 57 (about a year or two ago) he still had plenty of hair, but he shaves it short. I'm not sure if she's just saying to comfort me mind. It's worth bearing in mind I havent seen him for a while so can't comment on his hair as I've never noticed it before. I know people reading this thread will think I'm being silly and that I've still got a big thick head of hair, but for a while now I've hoped that my hair loss would just be thinning on top but still plenty of hair, and receding at my hairline, rather than developing a bald spot. If I was a few years older, I wouldn't be too concerned, and I'd just accept it. But at 20 years old, I'm worried that it could get worse before my 30's. And quite frankly i'm too ugly to be bald! (oh the follies of vanity!!!) So, in your honest opinion - am I in the early stages of MPB? Is it bad enough to go see a Doc, or am I just being extremely silly (hopefully the latter)? Some pictures make it look like there's definite thinning and sometimes it's like I don't even have a noticeable whirl. I've noticed my scalp is red in some of them too. I think I should also mention I've been very stress of late too, suffering from a gambling addiction, lack of sleep due to Uni, a fairly poor diet and the hairstyle mentioned above. Could it be down to stress-related things? If so, can it grow back? Here are some pictures; That one to me makes it look like I am indeed going bald. That last one is also pretty bad too. ^ In all honesty, I think I definitely am. But for some external help would be great. Thank you everybody who's got this far for reading through my nonsensical, hysterical flapping. Jon
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