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Everything posted by Apollo3

  1. Thank you so much! I was just on his website. I plan to give him a call tomorrow. Hopefully, he can do a consultation over the phone with me.
  2. Thank you Joe. I will definitely continue to use rogaine to see if things improve for me. Gathering from all your guys kind advices, it seem like maybe I'm not the ideal candidate to get HT. I have always kept my hair really short almost bold like. Before I seek another consultation, I will leave it grown out. I will post another picture in a few weeks to maybe get some of your guys opinion again. Thank you again so much guys!!!
  3. 1978matt would you kindly let me know where Dr. Gabel is located? Thank you!
  4. Thank you for the feed back guys. I will definitely seek a few more opinion from other doctors before I make my decision. I went to Bosley first because they were the most commercialize. I hear about them all the time on the radio.
  5. Hi I am new to this forum. I am considering to have a HT. I hope to learn more about FUE vs FUT procedure. I visited Bosley in Seattle WA for a consultation. Going into the consultation I have heard a lot about FUE. I was thinking FUE would leave no scar. The doctor I met with told me otherwise. He said that both FUE and FUT would leave scars. After he examine me, due to the amount of graft that I needed(about 2500-3000 grafts) and the amount of donor hair that I have he recommended I go with FUT procedure. I plan to go and get a second opinion, but in the mean time I was hoping I can find some more informations on both procedures. Thank you ahead for any informations!
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