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Everything posted by mdarcy

  1. As opposed to just being flawed! You can't factor in location? You're also going to rule out the majority of comparable Doctors, on the basis of what you see as an exception? Also, if these Asian(A whole continent, carefully reduced to only 5 good Doctors?)Doctors are that good, I would fly out. This is a life changing operation, why on earth would I not spend that bit extra on the flight, and according to you, these guys will compensate me, by charging bargain basement prices! Why are customers not beating a path to these Doctors' doors? If they are, why have these Doctors not adjusted price to balance supply and demand. Altruism? If they are that good, why don't they relocate and charge a higher price? This is not about one Doctor charging $7.99 and another, charging $8. If there are significant differences in price, the very least we should be doing, is asking why. You can then compare the results and see if they really are the best. The absolute price of the surgery means it is not a commodity market, so again, the best should be charging the top price. The Absolute price means they should not have to rely on local market. A Genuine problem with using Price as a barometer might be a celebrity surgeon, who charges top dollar, based on the results he gets and publicises wrt. celebrities and then has another surgeon perform the work on you, while charging you the same price, he charged Celebrity X. I want to stress, I mean no disrespect to people who are hunting for the lowest prices and I am in no way saying one of the criteria I would use to select a surgeon, is superior than yours. Your research could be a heck of a lot better than mine and so you can determine value for money. i.e my wife! who can spot a bargain a mile away and yet still picked an lemon like me.
  2. Price should be an indication of results. That's economics. Paying for a brand e.g beats headphones, does not muddy the water, as you are not displaying a premium logo, on your head. Time and resources are limited. If a Doctor is getting the best results, why would he/she not charge a price to reflect this? If the results are of such stand out quality, then the demand should be outstripping supply.
  3. Hi all In many forums, the same question gets asked,'who is the best hair surgeon?' This cannot be answered, as it is too subjective. In a race to the bottom, price seems to be peoples number one criteria. Understandable, if money is tight. Selection of a hair surgeon is a huge decision to make. Like so many other things, I don't believe your decision should be based on lowest price. So, a more objective(and surely verifiable?) question could be asked: Who are the top 3 most expensive hair surgeons? Assume they all quote for the same job. They can be worldwide or they can be local, e,g in America, in UK etc. I realise that most expensive, does not mean best, but it can be a pretty good indicator of quality.
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