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Posts posted by VegetasWidowsPeak

  1. Only 3 more months to go! New hairs are still growing in though.

    Hi Mirrors,

    Your hairloss really accelerated in only a year (from frontal recession to the diffuse pattern you described), do you think this is stress related that has been brought on by your experiences in the last year?


    Also, how is propecia working out for you as of now?

    I would also like to thank you for this & your other thread, I found it informative and has helped me (in a way) form my own expectations/hair ideals for my upcoming surgery in 6 months time. I hate to say it but you have somewhat acted as a martyr for prospective people, and outlined the what not to do steps for a HT.

    All the best mate, I will be following your thread from now and hope you can get the result you clearly so badly desire

  2. Thank you for your reply. I think I'm not going to spend money to have results only on beard :( . I have a question do you have any of sexual side effects?

    From Minox? No none at all, I think its very rare to have any sort of sexual side effects from minox. The only other affect its had on me is growth elsewhere (such as eyebrows, beard, arm/hand hair).

  3. From personal research shock loss/losing native hairs seems to be more common when the surgeon uses automatic tools/ARTAS, isn't particularly skilled or uses technicians to transplant the hairs.

    In fact I would go ask far to say that automatic tools/ARTAS seems to be responsible for the majority of disappointing results. Although that's just from what I've seen here and I am by no means an expert on it!

  4. In all honesty mate I don't think it will do too much. It works best on existing hairs because it thickens them up but if you don't have any in the first place I doubt you will have much luck. However it does contribute to beard growth (I only apply it to my head but my beard/eyebrows etc have thickened up loads!) so perhaps you could rock the bald beard look?

  5. I'm glad to have been of any help. I hope you got use of the interview form. Pity your surgery is in six months. I'll be in Belgium next month so it would have been nice to try and meet up before or after your surgery. Regardless, I wish you all the best and if you have further questions don't hesitate to ask.

    It'll be a LONG 6 months, but its the earliest he could fit me in & it is good for me in many ways (financially, holiday from work etc)

    The form certainly helped, I had a few questions floating around in my head and its definitely helped me articulate them.

  6. Just had to stop in and wish ya luck VWP 'cause your username/handle got a good chuckle out of me! If you do your research, have reasonable expectations, and listen to the gents on this board you should be fine. It looks like you have ideal characteristics for a transplant and are already on meds, so good on you!


    I know all about having a high hairline to start with as well; sucks all the more once it starts to go. So keep up the good fight. :D

    Aha! I am glad, although Saiyans keep the hair they're born with for the rest of their lives, shame we cannot be so lucky!



    Thanks for the headsup about forwarding my drafts to the surgeon. He replied to me today saying that he believes it is reasonable but warned me that any lower etc could come at the cost of density.

    His honest reply satisfied me enough to make me settle on a deposit with them, and I have a "paper trail" in the event of anything being unsatisfactory, so cheers :) For info, the surgeon is Dr De Reys

  7. Of course you can. In fact, I would insist that you send him that mock up now, if you are already in communication with him. The last thing you would want to happen is to travel to the clinic of your choice, show him the image you shared here, and have it refused. What are you supposed to do then?


    I think you should proceed very carefully. If you have not actually spoken to the clinic you have chosen about this then it is imperative that you feel them out to see what they recommend for you specifically.

    Thanks Joe, you've been very helpful.

    I have taken your advice and forwarded the image on before I make my deposit.

    His rep (who has been very helpful this far) said that the doctor believes with 2500 grafts he could lower the hairline and fill up the temple region.

    Hopefully he can cater exactly what I would desire.

  8. For the black line, yes, about 2500. For the brown line, over 3000, which I would advise against. The black line is not very conservative to begin with and with the age shown on your profile you are about 24 or 25. Don't get caught up in the height of the hairline. Make sure it is a design that will look natural when you are 35, 45 and so on. Just because something is possible doesn't mean it's a good idea.

    Awesome, thanks Joe.

    I have always had a high hairline thanks to my mum so I would be perfectly happy with the black line.

    When talking with the surgeon on the day, could I perhaps show him a mock up like that before my head is shaved? I know my chosen Doc tends to be quite conservative to begin with.

  9. Hi dudes.


    I am having an FUE procedure done in 6 months time. My chosen Doctor has quoted that I will need around 2500 grafts.

    Almost all grafts will be going into hairline restoration/frontal thickening, and filling in my receeded temples.


    I feel compelled to ask out of interest mainly due to the ranges I have been quoted.

    I had several quotes from several doctors, ranging from 1000-1500, up to 2800.

    As you can see by the images, I have VERY thick hair, despite losing the front. I struggle to comb it. My donor area is also extremely thick, how will this affect the outcome of the procedure?

    I have roughly sketched two example hairlines in the final picture. If that is achievable with the aforementioned amount of grafts I would be so pleased. I guess black would be conservative, and brown the ideal more forward hairline.

    I do not want to sacrifice coverage for density, considering my hair is very thick elsewhere.

    Any input guys?









  10. Does anyone have any solid advice/tips on payment? Getting the most out of my pounds to Euro exchange? At the mo the exchange rate is alright. A 6500 euro procedure is around 4800.

    As in I need to pay in Euros, so I must exchange my GBP for Euros.

    Can I change my pounds to euros and simply bank transfer them?

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