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Posts posted by VegetasWidowsPeak

  1. Assuming this is a legitimate, accelerated increase in your hair fall, I think this warrants a visit to a doctor to help figure out what's going on. They can help you figure out what (if anything) has changed over the past couple of months to see if there's an underlying cause aside from standard MPB. How old are you and how long have you been taking Fin? Have you had any other drastic changes in your life? New medication, new job, a breakup? Anything out of the ordinary that's causing you increased stress? It could honestly be any number of things - and figuring this out is something that will most likely require a conversation with a doctor, as they'll help you narrow it down. Ask if they think it's beneficial to run blood work and see if you're deficient in anything.


    Best of luck trying to narrow this down and getting to the bottom of what's going on. Unfortunately, until you can get to the root of what's happening, it'll be much harder to find the appropriate solution. Once you know what's going on (even if it is just MPB) then you can come up with a game plan and act accordingly.


    Hey man thanks for the reply!


    ive been on Fin for 4 years, dut for 2 every other day. i also use Nizoral every 5 days.


    I have just expanded my business so I have been working 12 hour+ days every day for about 3 months (things are going REALLY well!) So I have considered stress causing it - but then I do wonder - a lot of the fall is from my crown in the MPB areas which made me doubt it was stress? My crown has thinned more in the past 3 months than it has in 4 years which is definitely making me worry! Im on the 3 top drugs for stopping it and it seems to be beating me.


    Perhaps a visit to my doctor is needed too.

  2. Yo guys!


    The past 6 weeks my hair shedding has been INSANE - I havent seen it this bad since I was about 22 and just started fin/min.


    So I have been on fin for about 4 years and I have been on Avodart every other day for 18 months.

    I have never had a serious shed before but recently its to the extreme that my hair is everywhere. Its all over my bathroom & kitchen floor (white tiles so its so obvious:( )

    Every day when I wake up theres at LEAST 30 hairs on my pillow - every single damn day!


    If I muss my hair up I can see them all falling out onto the floor.


    Interestingly the hairs are all short - what does this mean? They are all 1/2inch-1 inch long with the white bulb on the end (if that is relevant at all)?


    What do you guys think? I have been freaking out quite badly about this for 2 months and I am feeling quite stressed regarding it, I think about it constantly and I even dream about being bald a lot :(

    Thanks for reading & looking forward to your replys!

  3. Sorry for the no show guys, I wasn't getting email updates on the thread for some reason!


    It's concerning because I originally was booked for 2500 grafts and I had the money in cash for 2500, but the doctor insisted at the end of day that we'd achieve a good result with what hes done and so stopped at 2000 which could have been a mistake on his part? Kind of sucks because a second pass is not something I wanted because of the expense. Getting it done in one go would have been ideal :-(


    I did see a lot of "popping" months 3-6 but since then I haven't seen a new hair pop through in a good while.


    I'm now in the situation you don't really want to be in! The middle is a lot thicker where m native hair is and I just had a thin see through hairline at the moment. Sometimes I can style it to look cool but sometimes I catch my reflection or the light is on me and it doesn't look great.


    I have been talking occasionally to Dr De Reys and he has advised waiting until 12 months because he thinks there's growth to come. I am not very optimistic but I'm going to sit tight and wait as advised

  4. Hello guys.

    I am about 8 months post op now and I am still a little pessimistic about my result. It is noticably thicker than before, but it looks thin under light and when wet, especially the temples where I had the most work. I have the rest of my hair long so I can style it to make it look okay, although I feel like only about 1000 of the 2000 grafts have shown. Does anyone have any advice or opinions? I heard it is very unlikely to see any drastic improvement after the 9 month mark which is a little upsetting (and for some reason the pics are all upside down after uploading lol, sorry)









  5. Hi all. I am just about 5 months. Like I said in my recent post, I haven't seen any "new" sprouts in a while! Is it possible that you can just have a lot of no show hairs that suddenly start showing? The hairs that have come through are still slowly growing which is good. Can I have peoples opinions/advice on whether or not im where I should be for 5 months? Things feel slow. How do you think it'll turn out? Thanks :-)







  6. Do you have an update please.


    Also, if you don't mind sharing what you paid for the treatment.


    The reason I am asking is because it seems that De Reys gives huge discounts if you ask for !

    He has a french patient that wrote he got a 15 %discount when booking without the middlemen.


    Hope you got a good result!



    Hi bud.

    I honestly cannot remember the exact amount I paid. I think it was around 5000 euros (about ?4000).


    I am not sure about the discount, I dealt with Nick (his middleman) in the first instance.


    I planned on putting my 5 month pictures up considering it is coming around soon (4months 2 weeks).


    I have had a fair amount of growth, although I have not seen any new "sprouts" for a good 3-4 weeks, just the hair that grew early continuing to grow (which worries me slightly?). has anyone else experienced this in the past?

  7. Works looks great and clean! I would advise you to follow your doctor Post op care instructions but you can also watch Dr.Bhatti video regarding Post op care, here is the link


    Thanks for that Rawkerboi, a lot of surgeons are suggesting that you can wash the recipient area pretty soon after treatment however I have been told I must wait until day 7! I plan on following my doctors instructions, just a bit curious really.

    My head is healing very well despite not washing it, all looks very clean and the scabs are very small! Cheers for the advice

  8. congrats on the hair transplant looks like clean work. now the fun begins aye haha.


    how was your trip back? did your wear a hat and did you get asked to take it off?


    Yo wizz. The trip back was fine, apart from it took from 9AM to 11 PM. I didn't bother wearing a cap, despite being very out in public. I was on a packed train/walked around the stations and checked out Antwerp/Brussels with it exposed. People looked but looked away pretty quickly and I got used to it! I just said to myself "well I doubt ill ever see these people again so I don't really care".

  9. Hello!

    I recently underwent a 2000 graft FUE procedure with Dr Rudi De Reys in Belgium.

    I am from the UK, and traveled via Eurostar on Sunday 4th October, and underwent the operation on the 5th & 6th. I will be posting my results here, as well as using this post as a detailed rundown of my experience at his clinic and Dr De Reys.




    It took 2 hours from London on the Eurostar to get to Brussels South. The doctor had arranged beforehand to meet me here, but I was still anxious when I left the train because i could not see him yet. However once I traveled deeper into the station I noticed him stood waiting with his wife. I traveled with a good friend, and the moment we shook hands he made a joke which instantly relieved my anxiety, and instantly made me feel welcome.

    We arrived at his clinic 50 minutes later. It is a very discreet, tucked away building hidden behind a security gate. He lives in his apartment next to a large clinic/ward building.




    The clinic/ward facility has a patient room, a kitchen, a sitting area with a TV and two FUE procedure rooms. The place was very comfortable, well heated, and the beds were comfortable to sleep in. The fridge was also stocked with drinks/snacks etc.

    Dr De Reys and his definitely went out of there way to ensure I was happy in terms of everything, comfort, food etc.




    We started at 8 AM after shaving my head. I was originally quoted 2500 grafts, but when the doctor saw my head, I imagine it was smaller in reality than in my images so I required less area to cover (which i was happy about because I save donor grafts as well as money, and I believe it showed some good ethical practice on the doctors side. He could have easily still taken an extra 500 unnecessary grafts and charged me for it)

    The extraction procedure on day 1 took about 4 hours. The anesthetic shots were an 7/10 for pain, but quickly took effect, the following shots were probably 3/10.

    Extraction of grafts from behind ears were 2/10 pain, back of head 0/10.

    Dr De Reys did 100% of the extraction punches himself.

    I could feel him dabbing my head constantly, so I asked if many people bleed a lot. He said it ranges from person to person, and I was definitely a "bleeder". (which he said is great for me because it indicates I am very healthy/fit and have great scalp circulation, but a bit of a pain for him because it's so messy!)

    During the process he had an assistant separating grafts into 1/2/3's.


    The implantation is followed after "slits" are made, the slits were a 2/10 for the most, but certain small areas, it shot up to a 7/10. I bled a lot here and I began to feel a bit shaky from the loss, but this didn't last for too long.

    Dr De Reys was not 100% involved with the implantation, he did about 60% himself but then his wife took over and continued.

    I felt very well looked after and in good hands at every point, I was well fed/checked up on, and I got a choice of TV/DVD's to watch (Shawshank Redemption got me through day 2!)


    Quality of post op care


    I was provided with a bottle of aloe spray, a tube of aloe rub and a printed instruction sheet for the day post op, 1 week post op, and there after. The instructions are pretty comprehensive and include the doctors personal email and direct line phone number in case I need to contact him for advice.


    If you would like to contact me directly asking anything about the time I spent with this surgeon or if you are a prospective patient, then feel free to email me via myhtinbox@gmail.com. I will happily answer any questions.


    Below are my pre op pictures, as well as my post OP pictures (sorry about the lower quality post op images, my decent camera isnt about at the mo) Also, my head/face is very swollen at the moment. Started at my forehead, moved to my eyebrows yesterday and is now around my nose and eyes.






  10. X factor is l big one. Not sure why, but also, hair mass is a Big reason. We always talk about the number of grafts, but we rarely look a caliber in a mathematical way. Hair volume is huge and based on the caliber and length of the donor. I don't feel like giving a math class now but it is definitely a reason that has a lot to do with many "WOW" results.


    Can you elaborate on what you mean by "hair volume is huge and based on the caliber and length of donor"

    Do you mean the donor has to be strong/healthy/show no miniaturization? or the ability for the patients donor hair to grow long (pre transplant)?

  11. Yo dudes


    I am travelling from the UK to Belgium next Sunday to get my FUE done.

    What sort of things should I have ready for my return in order to make my recovery quick, and my weeks off work comfortable?


    Such as shampoos, medicines, anything you can think of!

    So far I have;

    Baby Shampoo

    A Neck pillow


    Thanks for the help! My post about my experience and progress should be up sometime after next week :)

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