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Posts posted by Croatia44

  1. Hello all it is my 3 month update! and have noticed little hairs growing here and there it is very exciting but frustrating because it is summer time and I want my hair style already!


    Anyways, you can't notice much in the pictures because not too much has happened since last month. I am really looking forward to my 4 month mark because comparing my progression with others it seems like 4 months is when you really start to notice a difference.


    Let me know what you all think!


    Also, my scar still seems to be redish/pink. When did this go away for you?





  2. Hello all,


    Here is my 2 month update! not much has changed other than just about all of the grafts have fallen out and I am about the same as I was pre op...


    I am really looking forward to month 3 as where that seems to be when a majority of the people begin to experience growth! Thankfully finals and school have been keeping me occupied!


    I hope this next month goes by fast!


    My only concern is that my donor scar still seems to be red... Is this normal?





  3. Hello everyone,


    I am almost 7 weeks post op and was wondering when did all of you start going hard in the gym again? I had an FUT so I have been very cautious to keep my workouts light and avoid workouts that would stretch my scar. I am honestly pretty bored at the gym now that I can't do my favorite exercises.


    I am mainly referring to workouts such as dead lifts, squats, bench, typical ab exercises and shrugs.


    Also, I really want to start doing yoga and was wondering when did you guys/ladies start doing yoga?


    Thank you all!


    P.S. I will be posting updates at my 2 month mark :)

  4. Hey everyone,


    Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of the information and help.


    I have a question though... I was wondering how long you guys waited to go camping?


    I am just about 5 weeks post op and have had a big camping trip coming up this weekend!


    obviously I would wear a hat to keep it from getting sunlight.


    Thank you!

  5. So tomorrow will be my 4 week mark and so far I feel like things are going well! and on track.


    the grafts are falling out, I feel numbness on the recipient area and my donor area itches.

    Here are the 4 week pictures and let me know what you all think!


    I also have attached pictures of the scar. Please let me know what you guys think about the scar. I am very nervous about it








  6. Hello all,


    Just posting an update.. Here are some pictures of my donor area. I went in for a follow up with Dr. Meshkin and he said everything is healing well. I am going to email Dr. Meshkin and his staff and see if I can get the pre op and post op pictures from them since they took good pictures to give you guys an idea!


    Thank you. Let me know what you guys think!





  7. Hello all,


    Today is my 7 day mark! and my scabs are starting to go away little by little and cannot wait for them to go away. I'm nervous, excited, and anxious all at the same time. So far I am happy. I feel no pain or tightness anymore in my donor area, only discomfort when I sleep because I'm scared I am going to roll over on my grafts.


    I am also worried that my scabs will not be gone by Tuesday because I have a huge job interview! any advice or techniques?


    Here are some pics, it was after I took a shower so my hair is wet and I tried to do my best to show my results.





  8. Hello everyone,


    I just got a FUT surgery on the front of my head head with 2,100 grafts by Dr. Meshkin. I am satisfied with the service he has provided and have been following his instructions like my life depended on it :)


    I had my surgery Friday (March 13th) and so far I feel like everything is going well. My scabs are getting smaller and smaller as the days go by and the numbness from my donor area is starting to fade away. Every morning and night I clean the donor with Witch Hazel and put Neosporin on the wound. When I was my hair I use a solution that is supposed to help prevent infections in the grafts which I mix into a pitcher and poor on my head (I do not scrub or touch) and I spray saline solution on the graft sites throughout the day.


    I have a few questions for you guys... I always worked out before the surgery and do not want to lose my muscles, especially with summer right around the corner. The doctor said I can resume light workouts one week after surgery. What workouts would you guys recommend that does not strain the donor site. I was thinking of sticking with machine weights and using lighter weight. Which leads to my next question... I drink creatine, BCAA, and glutamine as well. will this effect anything. I have read on this forum that creatine does not since creatine does not effect DHT. But what about BCAA and glutamine.


    I was also thinking about starting light workouts 10 days post operation instead of 7 days just to be safe. Since at 10 days the grafts are anchored in.

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