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Everything posted by htfailure

  1. Just FYI again...i am well past 1 year. Sent you a pm
  2. Do you even see an improvement in first place? such that we can tag it as "less growth" or something...? Or are my eyes playing tricks with me failing to notice the growth..? Not to offend you by any means...but i don't even see a cent of growth.
  3. How a patient is supposed to know all these techniques? isn't it a doc's call to have these suggestions put forward...? The only stuff that was said is to go for 3500 grafts & a lil above. And i had to downsize it owing to financial crunch...take up a second one in a couple of years.
  4. Yes...when i contacted them at around 9 months, where there was no growth either. When it worsens with every passing day, i, on earth, don't know how we can see wonders later. When i complained abt this, the doc gave some strange examples/analogies to stress the point that "You need to wait"
  5. Here is the breakdown as requested 1s - 571 grafts 2s - 1300 grafts 3s - 541 grafts 4s - 41 grafts
  6. Stating the point again in different words.... Reason for shock loss may be attributed to the non-usage of the meds...reasons for slow growth may also be a cause from the same. Zero growth (after one year) or negative growth has nothing do with not following the meds. I waited for a year before opening up here, to see if i could see any progress...as that is the benchmark used to evaluate the "complete" success of an HT
  7. I can get the breakdown of the grafts in terms of 1s, 2s... The goal was to improve the density on the front and top such that the head doesn't look like a rugby ball but enough to visualize something like "this guy is not balding and has made a medium summer cut". I know what a 2400 will yield and hence wasn't expecting a miracle Seems a point...but i wasn't suggested so and hence can't answer You are right... there are many successful cases on those lines but hardly or no TOTAL failure cases by not using the meds. And yup...i have just reached 30 yrs This is my first HT but why I need to wait more than a year...? there is nothing in place to become worser...it already is. You should have got "atleast" 40-50% of growth by 1 year such that you can wait for one more to see if reaches 100% or even 80%. When there is zero or negative growth by 1 year and a magic is expected in the coming days, then we should be a Popeye. In any case of any touchup or repair, i DONT want to get it done by the same surgeon. I've had enough....
  8. To add another fact...the rate at which i had lost(& am losing now) my existing hair post HT is SEVERELY "rapid" than i was experiencing before the transplant, where i wasn't using any meds either
  9. I have just reached out to the clinic...infact i had sent out my 9th month update, which was no different from my current state...and was told that it will get better by month 12 & later months to come
  10. Here is the immediate post op I know 2400 is not a great no .of grafts to cover. While the doc suggested above 3500, i had to restrict it for financial reasons and was planning for a second HT down the line to make up for the remaining
  11. So i underwent an FUT from one of the recommended surgeons here...The title and the pics speak more than anything i need to say.... Had to make some crappy edits in the pre-ops as i see there are some smart folks who would figure out who the Doc was from the pic background....as much as the patient's, the doctor's privacy too is being well guarded afaihs here No. of grafts - 2400 approx I was not onto minox/fin as i was experiencing sexual side effects. The post op pic is one year Starting this thread to seek advice and directions on how to proceed. ... P.S: If someone wishes to say that the non-usage of min/fin/bin et al is the reason for failure, please excuse from replying
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