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Everything posted by NY10013

  1. Come on you don't think Robert Bernstein is a top doctor with a proven track record? He arguably has more experience than Wesley and Dorin and has produced a lot of good results. I still just don't see what is wrong with the ARTAS Robot because it is doing all the things that lend itself to a repetitive motion--extracting grafts and creating recipient sites. It isn't putting in the hair follicles and designing the hairline (I know it has plans to do that which I don't like). Furthermore it can analyze, better than the human eye, the density of the hair and pick the best follicles. How can you argue against some of this?
  2. I agree that Wesley and Dorin and are top doctors, but Marc Avram is as well and certain Robert Bernstein who is arguably the best in NY. We can't say that Bernstein isn't experienced so I wonder why he uses it. I guess the best person to ask is him, but he could do manual if he wanted...
  3. Ok, but a lot of top clinics use the ARTAS robot. For instance, in NY, one of the top hair surgeons, Robert Bernstein uses it. I don't think ARTAS is for inexperienced doctors...
  4. My understanding is that both Manual FUE and the Artas Robot use suction.
  5. I can only speak to NY where I am from, but in NY two top doctors, Robert Bernstein and Marc Avram use it. Anyways I could agree with you if the robot was designing the hairline, but all it is doing is extracting grafts and then creating recipient sites. It's not doing stylistic work. It is just doing the mundane work of extracting thousands of grafts which I think lends itself to a repetitive motion...
  6. I read that manual uses suction as well "Utilizes continuous suction / vacuum to extract and transport the graft into a storage vial. This may cause the graft to dry out and cause desiccation.", but the ARTAS robot: "Utilizes suction / vacuum only during dissection process. The graft elevates above the scalp for ease of forcep extraction."
  7. Also, maybe the reason we are not seeing more doctors using it, besides the fact that it is a new technology and not readily accepted, is because it is expensive...
  8. I didn't read about the grafts getting sucked by air. I know that when the grafts are pulled out by hand, the hand cannot perform as precisely as a robot, and some of the follicles are not useable once the recipients sites have been created. This is because they were pulled out at wrong angle, etc. And in my experience, the doctor I am considering having an FUE Artas procedure with, seems responsible and has an excellent track record. Definitely doesn't seem like someone who is just using ARTAS to make more money because at first he did not even want to do the procedure on me.
  9. I see that he is still promoting the artas system on his site: https://www.rahalhairtransplant.com/robotic-hair-transplant/ Do you have a link to why he abandoned it?
  10. I think people are just reluctant to take on a new technology and prefer to continue doing things the old way. If the robot were designing the hairline and placing the grafts in, then I would say the human hand would be better. But all the robot is doing is extracting the grafts. I don't see how the human hand can be better at extracting grafts. Furthermore, the robot can read the density of the hair better than the human hand/eye and extract the best follicles. After it extracts the best follicles and accurately it then creates the recipient sites. It does not seem involved in the stylistic aspects of FUE. Just all the technical parts. It is still run by a human the robot. I don't see how the human hand can do a better job....Again, the robot is still controlled by a human for these technical aspects of the FUE procedure.
  11. I have spent time reading about the differences between performing FUE by hand and with the Artas Robot and I am convinced going the Artas route is the best way. I just don't see how a manual hand can extract the hair follicles as precisely as a robot. I was told that the robot makes larger incisions, but I have read the robot has now improved and the incisions it makes are smaller. Furthermore, the robot cannot get tired and make mistakes like a human hand. I could understand if people were worried about the robot placing the grafts on the hair and designing the hairline, but it does not do that. The human hand still does it. So for what the robot does, just extract grafts and create the new recipient sites, I don't see why the human hand would be able to do a better job. Thoughts or am I missing something? Thank you.
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