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Dr Resul Yaman

Certified Physician
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Posts posted by Dr Resul Yaman

  1. Dr Yaman,


    Very nice result!


    I apologize if this has been asked before, but can you provide information on who is in charge of extraction in the clinic? Do you perform the extraction, or do the technicians do the extractions? Also, in your social profile bio, it sounds like you use a motorized device for making scalp incisions? Is this the case? If so, who makes the incisions?


    Sorry for the seemingly random questions. It's just that hair transplantation is performed a bit different in Turkey, and I like to get an idea of how the operations are performed at each clinic.



    Thanks Blake-Bloxham. No problem


    I decide the transplantation area and the hairline.I use a special technic to draw the hairline. Some parts of the eyebrows and the ending point of the eyelids are marked in order to take measurements. From these marks to the edge of the face, I take measurements and equalize both sides to form a symmetric line.


    I create the recipient incisions by using lateral slits.


    I do extraction with micromotor by myself by using 0,7-0,8 and rarely 0.9 punches according to the hair thickness . I lower the spin speed of the device. It is a very good device that lets us get extractions similar to manual FUE.


    The assistants carry out the planting.


    I have modified the current procedure a bit.Because the grafts spend more time outside of the body with this procedure. I pay attention to not to extract more than 1500 follicles at once.The operation might be done from one to four phases.After extracting and implanting 1000-1500 grafts. It is repeated fort he next phases.

    I have gone through the forum and realised that some problems had raised.My clinic is in a hospital which has many doctors from different specialty work and aproved by Turkish Ministry of Health.I operate one or two patients a day which I think is still tiring.You can be sure that we are not a clinic which cares too much about financial concerns and operating many patients in a day and most of the work done by assiatants.

  2. Do you have a top down shot as well as one for the back showing donor? Looks great though.



    This patient had on operation in another clinic 1 year ago. We had to use the donor area very carefuly. Will did the operation in tree sesions at the same day like1310-1230-1210 .More grafts were transplanted on the front area about 3000 grafts, about 750 grafts were transplanted to the vertex area. I atteched the six day postoperativ photo that patient sent us.Morever I atteched the postoperativ donor area images wich the patient sent us recently.We have left enuogh hair in donor area and are more session can be done.

    I have same problems with taking photos. But I bought new camera but now I just share the photos I have in my recards.I hope I will share the photos with my new camera and by taking BİLL's recommendatiens in to account.




  3. Procedure Type : 0,8 punch modified micromotor FUE

    Distribution of Grafts:

    Total : 3780

    Single : 1310

    Double : 2120

    Triple : 350

    The patient is 27 and has medium thickness hair. The patient had an operation in another clinic one yaer ago but id not get satisfied result.We operated a 3780 drafts transplantation to the patient.The result after seven months.Transplantation was done from frontal to vertex.. The patient did not get any medicine or spray support after the operation.

    video link












  4. Total : 3100

    Single : 850

    Double : 1860

    Triple : 550

    Burn mark repair

    He got a very large burn mark, from frontoparietal to vertex, in an accident when he was two. He consulted us when he was 18.The hair transplantation has been planned for two sessions over the course of two years. In the first session, the donor area was the occipital area and 3100 grafts were taken. In order to prevent blood buıldıng up in the follicles, they are not planted closely. Thıs also assısts plerosis. These are photos from five months after the session. For the second session 2500-2750 grafts will be transplanted. Since he has not had hereditary hair loss problems , we are planning use the right frontoparietal, which has not been affected by the burn, as the donor area. We aim for the frontal view to be symettric.












  5. Procedure Type : 0,8 punch miromotor FUE

    Distribution of Grafts:

    Total : 4050

    Single : 1690

    Double : 1670

    Triple : 690

    The patient is 33 and has medium thickness hair. The result after eight months.We operated this patient's hair transplantation on 14/06/2014. Today ,he had gone a photo studio to take some photos and he sent few of them to us. The photos from studio are definitely better than ours.






  6. Dr. Yaman,


    Moron Grave is asking? You said you are a dermatologist (or dermatologic surgeon, the same certification in Turkey)


    Could you provide your certification for that?


    If you can not provide this, sorry but this will meant that you are saying lie to the people.


    I work at a hospital where many doctors from different specialty work. The hospital is approved by Turkish Ministry of Health and inspected regularly .I do my operations here.Also I am member of ISHRS(International Society Of Hair Restoration Sugery) which confirmed my membership after checking all my documents. Morever, I send you a private massage which contains all infos.

  7. I will share more results soon.Thanks


    Ive had close to 4500 grafts in a much smaller recipient zone abd not even sure if my density is as good as this guy.


    Dr. Yaman, it is quite evident you feel surgeries of 3000 grafts or more should be broken up to preserve graft health. Is this the normal standard across surgeons and doctors? I mean do most doctors recognize that a 3000 graft procedure should not consist of having extracted grafts out of body for long periods of time?


    Do you work on repair patients too? Do you have any results ahowing more frontal work and temple restoration?


    Yes, If the patient has enough donor area.

  8. Well I am glad a doctor is extracting himself, which is a lot of labor, and means you do not leave the patient and work on someone else.

    wow, $6000 in total? that equates to like $1.17 to 1.18 per graft, based on 5100 grafts.


    thank you for being to the point with your answers. i hope to see more results from your clinic. especially, temporal and hairline, high density related work.


    I will share more results soon.Thanks

  9. Dr. Yaman, I lookd at your website. I think you have an interesting protocol. Am I correct in saying that you first extract 1,000 grafts, implant them, and then extract the next 1,000? So in a 3,000 graft surgery, you'd repeat this process multiple times?


    Yes ,in our clinic and in Turkey, we operate lots of 3000 and more grafts hair transplatation .When we operate them with normal procedures the outside duration of grafts takes longer.As a solution, after taking and transplanting 1000-1500 hair follicles the operation moves on the other ones.We can do this three or four times a day.It might be a bit tiring for our patients but we prefer short sessions with breaks.This help us to protect the hair follicles.

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