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Posts posted by maxhair

  1. aaron1234 - I think the work looks clean and the hairline is good but I also think you're absolutely right, to get the density you want you're gonna need another 2000 in the same area. That's my opinion at least. Again, it doesn't look bad, you just need more grafts. I think you're on the right path. I think you'll look great after a second session.


    I disagree about one thing though. There are more than two doctors on this site that can do a great job for you.


    Best wishes.

  2. I've just added one photo but it tells the story well. The area I circled had no hair 6 months ago. There is is a lot of stubble growing all over the front third but because my hair is long I suspect it will take about 3 more months of length to blend and fill in with the longer hairs. Thanks Dr. Arocha!


    See my blog for more photos.

  3. I've just added one photo but it tells the story well. The area I circled had no hair 6 months ago. There is is a lot of stubble growing all over the front third but because my hair is long I suspect it will take about 3 more months of length to blend and fill in with the longer hairs. Thanks Dr. Arocha!


    See my blog for more photos.


  4. Dr Arocha - I want to congratulate you on becoming a member of the coalition. You are quickly on your way to becoming recognized as one of the "elites" and it's well deserved.


    Pat's description of your friendly ???bedside manner??? and sense of humor is right on. It's a pleasure coming by your office, visiting with you and your staff.


    I can personally attest to your clean work with regards to your donor removal technique, the double layer closure and the "smallest incision that would accommodate the tiny grafts, while varying the angle and direction to replicate a natural hair direction." That's exactly how my procedure went.


    My recovery time was fast and the work was clean. The way my hairs are growing out look very natural with my hair type.


    I've said this before and I'll just repeat it again here. Pat clearly mentions some of Dr. Arocha's strengths but I just want to reiterate on top of that, that in my opinion Dr. Arocha is especially an elite when it comes to creating a natural look for the particular patient he is working on regardless of hair type or ethnicity. Dr. Arocha's HT's don't look generic. He has an artist's eye for giving a person the fuller head of hair they were meant to have, as if they had never lost it in the first place.


    That's elite.


    Anyway, congrats and thanks Doc!



  5. A couple of weeks ago I started noticing what I thought was a slightly denser look around the hairline and in the recipient area. I, being patient, thought this was wishful thinking. But I took some VERY close up photos and voila! There are a bunch of these little guys coming out and it's obvious that the left temple is starting to form. They're short and they've just started, but there are a bunch of them. Ah, I feel a bit relieved. I'm sure you 6 month guys know that feeling! Good feeling, huh? One note. If I didn't take these close up style shots, you wouldn't be able to see these new hairs because my native hair is still relatively thick and long. When these new hairs grow out I'll take some traditional pictures.


    So does this look about right? Eman, Bill, Wantego, dakota3... everybody?



  6. A couple of weeks ago I started noticing what I thought was a slightly denser look around the hairline and in the recipient area. I, being patient, thought this was wishful thinking. But I took some VERY close up photos and voila! There are a bunch of these little guys coming out and it's obvious that the left temple is starting to form. They're short and they've just started, but there are a bunch of them. Ah, I feel a bit relieved. I'm sure you 6 month guys know that feeling! Good feeling, huh? One note. If I didn't take these close up style shots, you wouldn't be able to see these new hairs because my native hair is still relatively thick and long. When these new hairs grow out I'll take some traditional pictures.


    So does this look about right? Eman, Bill, Wantego, dakota3... everybody?



  7. Originally posted by mpkoons:

    Nobody can tell me where they are hearing these horror stories about MHR?? I went to Bosley, hairclub, and neither of them could come close as to the professionalism that MHR gave me!! What are your sources of this information about MHR????


    1) Doctors - Their doctors are sometimes less experienced and you may not know exactly what you're going to get. The doctors here are steps above the "mill" doctors and each doctors' work is clearly documented.


    2) Price - I noticed that their sales tactic was to undersell you on the amount of grafts at high rates so you would have to come back for more HTs. That was my experience anyway.


    3) Relationship - With this type of surgery, and in this industry in general, you're going to want to feel a close bond to your doctor. You're putting down a lot of money and putting your face and looks in somebody's hands. The doctors I've spoken with on the site have all been extremely friendly and helpful, even the ones I've talked who I didn't have surgery with. And my doctor, Dr Arocha, and I talk at least once a month because he wants to know how I'm doing and how my hair is coming along. He WANTS me to come back to his office just for a check up. How many doctors can you say that about and do you think the "mills" are going to give you that type of attention? I can't say for sure but I would not think so because their job is to do as many HTs in a day as possible.


    4) Reputation - Just do your research. Search on this site for guys that have had HTs done there and use Google too. You find all the answers you're looking for.


    And what is the rush? You may have only one chance at this. Don't be impulsive. Meet with another doctor to get a 2nd opinion. Ask questions. Plan. Prepare.


    People are going to be looking at your head for the rest of your life. Are you convinced that you know all you need to know to go through with this?


    mpkoons. Get a 2nd opinion from a doctor on this site. I did. In fact I got 4 or 5 of them. I talked to different doctors all over the country but I chose Dr. Arocha for my own reasons (they were all good doctors but I had certain criteria that Dr Arocha met).


    If you needed a heart transplant would you run down to the corner medical clinic or would you go see a specialist who's experience and reputation, not to mention a doctor with his own private office, is well documented and respected by all of the people on this site?

  8. mpkoons - I'm concerned that you have not done enough research to have the surgery done in three days! This site is full of good information and doctors. Have you met with any of the doctors recommended on this site? Dr Arocha, my doctor, has an office in both Houston and Dallas. Everyone else has already given you the advice I would give you but I have to add that you should postpone your surgery and make an appointment to talk to Dr. Arocha or at least any recommended doctor from this site. I went to Bosley before choosing Dr Arocha and I can't tell you how pleased with myself that I did that extra research and talked with Dr Arocha before I made such a huge decision. I normally don't make that strong of advice because I'm not a salesman but this is a case where I feel obligated to tell you to that before you do something that might be impulsive and also something you regret, pick up the phone and call a recommended doctor. There is one in your town.


    But take solace in that you made the right move and posted your concerns just in time.


    Fell free to PM me or ask me publicly any questions you may have about HTs or Dr. Arocha himself since I am a patient of his (and a satisfied one at that).

  9. Just the 4 month mark. Still waiting patiently. No problems. Started getting pimples or rather bumps on my head about three weeks ago. They all came within about two weeks of each other so those must have been a few ingrown hairs, hence, here come the hairs? The bumps have now gone away so I'm guessing the initial hairs have come through for the time being. I can feel peach fuzz but it's not visible yet. Waiting patiently on the 5 to 6 month mark. Because of the length of my hair and my hair type, the initial results won't be as obvious for me as it would be for others with more typical length hair.


    One very positive note that made me really happy (I was concerned about this before the HT) is that after about a week or so the recipient area redness faded fast, and the donor area is fine.


    Follow-ups with Dr. Arocha have been great. Dr. Arocha is a cool guy to talk to - an educated and artistic kind of guy and down to earth. His assistant Craig is very cool too.


    I'll take photos at his office either for the 5 or 6 month point. I'm also open to answering any questions anyone may have, publicly or privately.


    Hey, you guys can make comments!

  10. Just the 4 month mark. Still waiting patiently. No problems. Started getting pimples or rather bumps on my head about three weeks ago. They all came within about two weeks of each other so those must have been a few ingrown hairs, hence, here come the hairs? The bumps have now gone away so I'm guessing the initial hairs have come through for the time being. I can feel peach fuzz but it's not visible yet. Waiting patiently on the 5 to 6 month mark. Because of the length of my hair and my hair type, the initial results won't be as obvious for me as it would be for others with more typical length hair.


    One very positive note that made me really happy (I was concerned about this before the HT) is that after about a week or so the recipient area redness faded fast, and the donor area is fine.


    Follow-ups with Dr. Arocha have been great. Dr. Arocha is a cool guy to talk to - an educated and artistic kind of guy and down to earth. His assistant Craig is very cool too.


    I'll take photos at his office either for the 5 or 6 month point. I'm also open to answering any questions anyone may have, publicly or privately.


    Hey, you guys can make comments!

  11. Just an update. It's been 5 weeks. Scar looks great. Everything has healed. I've kept quite a few of my HT hairs. Dr Arocha and his staff are great to work with and talk to. I highly recommend that anyone looking for a doctor to give him a call. I spoke with many doctors before choosing Dr Arocha and I'm so happy I chose him. He's a friendly down to earth normal no BS guy and he did excellent work for me. I plan on going back later this year for a second procedure.


    One thing I'm very happy about is that I tried to talk him into putting more hairs in the forelock area and he said no that I would need some in the temples because it would be uneven with the sides of my hair and he was right! That shows honesty and he had my best interest in mind.


    Dr Arocha will tell it like it is and I'm just here to say I'm very happy with him, his staff and his work.


    I know he's a newer member to the network but he did great work for me.


    I see some posts that question his photography skills. He did get a new camera and his new photos are clear and from my experience he's not trying to pull a fast one on anybody. I have seen none of that.


    I encourage any of you that have questions to call him directly. He never talked to me like a salesman and I really appreciated that.

  12. DeDom - Looks good. How do you think the density will be compared to the native hairs behind? Was it your goal to have it completely densely packed (naturally looking of course) or a gradual density.


    I agree, it's gonna look good! Can't wait to see your results.

  13. Originally posted by MrJobi:



    I have not heard of anyone who said Minoxidil worked in the frontal area. In fact it generally is accepted that is does not.. Of course it helps to do anything possible. Propecia, can stop your hairloss and regrow some hair.. Results may vary on all drugs based on the individual but I think there are some generalzed expectations.. Just search the forum for some relaistic expectations


    Good luck


    But the instructions for rogaine say to be very careful not to get it on other parts of the body including the forehead. Maybe it's better in certain parts of the body than others but supposedly it will grow hair anywhere it touches.

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