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Blog Comments posted by DavidA

  1. So here are my 4 week post-op pics. As I was told, most of the hairs have fallen off. The only bad thing about that is that one side seems to be shedding more than the other. It is definitely hard not to assume that only one side will grow back haha but I am being patient and not jumping to conclusion based on the now. I am also trying to avoid looking in the mirror so much and not expect a magical transformation over night. I would like to note that Dr Vories has made himself very available and I do feel like I am in good hands. Next month I am hoping the redness is gone and start seeing some growth, but I wont hold my breath. We shall see. Til next month.

  2. Hey, congrats on your decision to go through with the procedure. Before I answer your question, just let me forewarn you that my healing will probably be different than yours. So the swelling lasted 6-8 days for me. And I say that long cus when I went back to work, one of my coworkers asked me if I got punched during my time off. The pain for me was more of a nasal headache than anything. It has been 4 weeks and I still have tenderness and red like a sunburn where the transplants were placed and itchiness on the back of my head. 10 days should be good for a recovery time. I only took 7 and although the scabs were noticeable, I felt like it was enough time for me.

    Hope this helps, and good luck. If you got any other questions don't hesitate.

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