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Everything posted by MoP85

  1. Thanks for all of your responses. I contacted the Doc last night and waiting on his response. I will consider going back to him if my left side doesn't fill. I decided against FUT because I'm afraid of the scar. I'm military, so we're required to wear our hair short.
  2. Hi Gents, Sorry I haven't been able to log in and keep you all posted. I have been extremely busy with my career. I'm almost 8 months post op. If you asked me I'm moderately pleased with my results thus far. I understand that it takes a full 12 months for optimal growth; however, I'm feeling like I might need a second FUE in 4 months. I would love your opinions and advice on my progress thus far and recommendations. You can be completely honest because I'm holding on to the last optimism I have. Thanks in advance. Pic 1 - Pre procedure Pic 2 - 3 days post op Pics 3&4 Today (under the light and minimal lighting.
  3. No ARTAS, he did everything manually. I'm fairly new to the HT world but I'm learning. My scabs have completely fallen off. I'm 12 days post op today. Minimal donor pain and non recipient. I'm hopefull! Thanks for being apart of my journey!
  4. Hi everyone, I've been lurking this site for a while and decided to join. I've been experiencing hair loss since 19. Started around the temples and now diffusing to the crown. It's definately took a toll on my confidence. I'm a barber so over the years I've been able to hide my loss by cutting my hair lower. I had a FUE procedure done by Dr. William Yates of Chicago last week. He extracted about 1250 grafts from my donor and restored the hair line and temple areas. The staff encouraged me that I was have a good yield because of my curly type hair. Also, Doc Yates said in his experience, that 1200 gratfs usually produce great results for african Americans. I would like any opinions on your expirence on black hair and FUE. I'll post pics of my hair before and post op for better opinions. Thank you all.
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