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Everything posted by herico

  1. I don't hold minoxidil in the highest of regards due mainly to the fact that it requires a lot of effort to slow the process not stop it. Seems pointless when I don't actually mind having to pay more for more transplants because the process isn't slowed down. I did like the effects finasteride had but reading up on its mechanism of action I'm not surprised there are side effects, I'm also a pharmacist so I wasn't overly surprised there were sides when I read about how the drug works . I will contact some of the doctors mentioned and let you know how I get on. Thanks again for your help and support guys. Great forum. Ohh and happy new year
  2. Thanks for the replies guys. Ive considered Dr Lorenzo before as I see an awful lot of good before and after pictures posted by his patients. I contacted Farjo earlier this year but was told he had gone back to Spain and would want me to use propecia any way. Leaves me at a loss as even at sub therapeutic doses of 0.25mg every other day I still suffer side effects. I wouldn't mind waiting another 10 years till all of my hair has fallen out and then getting a procedure only Id like to look like I'm in my 20's whilst I'm in my 20's. Chasing my tail doesn't bother me that much and I figured if I have one now I'm likely to end up with my original hairline as it is obvious where it is at the moment and wouldn't need reconstructing.
  3. Hey there I have been loosing my hair for 9 years. I'm 28. It's been very slow hair loss (so slow my GP run blood tests to make sure it wasn't something else) it started around my crown age 19-20 and it wasn't till three years ago that the front of my hair was affected. Sadly I can't use propercia due to side effects and I'm now fed up with my deteriorating hair. I was wondering if anyone thinks FUE would be a good idea. I'm aware I would need several over the coming years as I still have a lot of hair to lose. I have attached a pic to this post. I wanted to attach more than one but don't seem to be able to. Kind regards, Herico
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