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Posts posted by mattj

  1. Is a second procedure out of the question? Often a second surgery can give satisfying density that was lacking the first time. It just seems a shame to remove irreplaceable hairs that you paid good money to have transplanted.


    As this forum is more about restoring hair, the info we have to offer will be very limited. I suggest you do some extensive searching and I'm sure you'll find a solution as it is much easier to remove hair than regrow or transplant it.

  2. 12,000 hairs will be just shy of 6,000 grafts in the way that most surgeons keep count, considering what I said before about a follicle containing on average slightly more than 2 hairs. Most patients will have quite a few 3-hair follicular units.


    That's a lot of grafts to have had extracted via FUE. Best advice is to seek out reputable surgeons for in-person consultations so that your donor can be examined up close. I know I said that before, but I'm repeating it now with more emphasis.

  3. I think most if not all doctors would tell you that it's too soon to go down the surgical route. Far too much hair remaining in your crown. It's well worth trying Rogaine as the crown can respond very well to it and the fact that you've caught it early will also work in your favour. I've seen guys with more crown loss than you have end up with what is, essentially, no visible hair loss after using Rogaine. You have to commit to it, but if you can do that then it's absolutely worth it.

  4. I would say that a surgeon's skills are evident in all areas, and not only the hairline - but with that said, the hairline is often where we see the most impressive change between the before and after pictures.


    I would advise taking a look through the results posted by hair restoration clinics:


    Results Posted by Leading Hair Restoration Clinics - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


    Here are a few of the recent results I've posted for Dr Rahal.




  5. 50 year old patient with minor but noticeable recession/thinning through his frontal zone. His circumstances were good for a thorough procedure which closed his temples and gave him an incredibly youthful hairline.


    Surgery Type: FUT


    Recipient Area Treated - 40cm

    Total Grafts - 2616

    Total Hairs - 5287

    Recipient Graft Density - 65 grafts/cm

    Recipient Hair Density - 132 hairs/cm


    Graft Breakdown:

    Single Hairs - 573 grafts

    Two Hairs - 1415 grafts

    Three Hairs - 628 grafts

    Four Hairs - 0 grafts

    Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.02
















  6. There are two main advantages:


    1) With FUE you don't get the linear scar. FUE scarring is spread out and generally allows for your hair to be cut shorter without any scarring being noticeable.


    2) The recovery from FUE is easier and quicker with less pain and discomfort.

  7. Feel free to use the story I concocted after my procedure that allowed me to wear a hat to work... :)


    I had a "small, non-cancerous cyst removed and I had an allergic reaction to the local anesthesia and my scalp got super red, so I need to keep it covered until it all calms down." Lol. It worked like a charm and I wore a newsies hat to work for about 3 weeks, and nobody really wants to question anything you tell them that's medical related.


    Then again, if you're fine just being upfront about your hair transplant, then that's even easier. I'm open about it now with my coworkers, but at the time I was too self-conscious to tell them, so the hat is worth a shot.


    That's a good excuse that few people would question, but it put you in the position of having to explain your (little white) lie at a later date. Plus people might be paying more attention to your head once you ditch the hat. How did you deal with that?

  8. It's worth trying your own GP, but it's possible they will refuse to prescribe it, especially in 5mg Proscar form. Years ago, my GP at the time said no on the basis that he knew nothing about it. Getting in touch with a doctor such as the one Spex suggested is a legitimate way of going about it.

  9. Is it 12,000 hairs or grafts? Grafts have on average 2 hairs per follicular unit, so there is a big difference between the total number of hairs and total grafts.


    Your donor area looks a bit thin in some of the photos. I think, considering this and the fact that you've had a lot of grafts, you'd be best off being seen in person before booking surgery. I do think that you probably have enough grafts for a relatively small procedure.

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