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Everything posted by Runner2215

  1. That's a relief...they said after ten days all the grafts are anchored and there is practically nothing you can do to dislodge them...but how much longer do you have to wait if you doing something like boxing where you have a lot of head contact? Months?
  2. Thanks! That happened on a Saturday and the following Wednesday I went for a check-up and the doc said nothing was out of place. Would they be able to tell if the graft was missing?
  3. Hi, I recently had a frontal hair transplant procedure and nicked the front of my head on a pillow of all things 4 days after surgery. There was a small amount of blood on my finger but not dripping from my head. How do I know if I have lost any hair grafts? Can you bleed from the recipient area and still retain the graft? I was told you can tell you've lost a graft only if you bleed significantly.
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