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Everything posted by peanut

  1. hair loss forums are rife with paranoia - from the potential patients fearing they are going to be butchered to the regular posters - and indeed sometimes even the moderators - assuming that every new poster is a shill and has some agenda . given this fact - and you all know this is true - is it any wonder that i assumed that the thread had been deleted ? havent we seen this happen so many times on the hair loss forums over the years to automatically think that when something isnt where it was that its been removed because pressure was put on someone by someone else who didnt like it ? honestly , i could care less if you think i'm a shill or not . the only reason i posted ( for me , a rare occurence indeed ) is that threads like this are extremely important to all hair loss forums because they help to present a balanced picture of the risks associated with such a procedure , and are all too rare . we all know that most complaints go unreported publicly for various reasons and i was dismayed to think that this had happened here . if i caused uproar , then i apologise - but please dont demonise and slander me for asking the question .
  2. why has "unfortunate"'s thread regarding his HT with Feller been deleted ????
  3. why has "unfortunate"'s thread regarding his HT with Feller been deleted ????
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