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Posts posted by itxrd

  1. Rawkerboi you need to look the word 'empathy' up in the dictionary. Can you show us your pictures and experiences instead of picking on others?

    Vermaj - thanks for being courageous enough to share your experiences and pics and everything with us. You are awesome and your hair looks great. I had a similar no of grafts and yours is prob a little better. I am happy and you should be too, that's the main thing!

  2. Hey Denominator thanks for asking.


    Well its been a little over 6 months now and I'd say its gone quite well. Not awesome but there has definitely been a big improvement. Its a lot thicker and a lot more hair but its still not the finished article. i suppose after 6 months maybe thats to be expected?


    I did get in touch with the doc and he said the growth has been 'a bit slow' and to take the meds for another 3 months which is fine with me. As always in light it looks worse. When its not so bright it looks great so i took these in brightish light.


    See pics. What do you think?



  3. Agree with the last sentence.


    Probably a good idea to speak to patients. Unfortunately for some people don't searching here is difficult so not sure how they're going to go with that. If you think what a big deal it is it's a good idea


    And yes I'm a bit 'sensitive' . I did my research had a ht didn't get paid by anyone and I'm just giving my honest feedback. Then if I have guys like you going 'you're all getting paid to say that' I'm going to be a bit miffed. You're almost discouraging honest people from commenting because you don't trust anyone.

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