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Everything posted by Redwing

  1. 1 week ago I had 2000 FU grafts implanted into my receeding hairline. I have been receeding now slowly for 10 years. I am 30. After a considerable amount of research and help on this forum I decided to go with Dr. Feriduni in Belgium. I got a cheap flight with my fiance from Manchester to Brussels for ??50. From the moment I stepped off the plane Dr. Feriduni and his team had everything in control. I was picked up from the airport and driven 1hour 30 mins to Hasselt where the practise is. I was dropped off at the Radisson SAS hotel, Dr. Feriduni payed for all my transport and one night in the hotel. The hotel staff have a good relationship with Dr. Feriduni and are very understanding and friendly catering to your every need. I was picked up at 7pm and taken to the practise for a consulation. Dr Feriduni made my fiance and I feel so welcome and immediately filled us with confidence in his abilities. He was extremely professional, realistic and had a great sence of humour. Together with my fiance we planned the new hairline and Dr. Feriduni was very keen for it to be a 3 way process. The next day I arrived at the clinic at 9.30am. My fiance was provided with never ending refreshment and given her own private relaxation room with TV and dvds. I had the donor area removed and then was able to enjoy the beautiful lunch provided with my fiance. Afeter lunch Dr. Feriduni made the incisions and tehn 2 of his highly experienced team implanted the hairs using single FU's at the front foloowed by double and tripple FU's to give a ntural hairline. The desity chosen was 60-70 FU's per cmm square because I haave a large density in the donor region (90 FU's per cm square). That night I slept well with the support pillow provided and the anti-inflammatory medication. The next day I arrived at the clinic, my hair was washed and then inspected by Dr. Feriduni. Everything had gone to plan. The swelling was quite considerbale as expected on the 4th day post procedure but now has disspersed fully. The scabs are starting to fall off and the hairs are growing nicely. I must say the whole experience was first class and I emplore all UK potential patients to consider Dr. Feriduni. I can't wait for the final results. I have tried to post my photos but the files are too big. I will do it as soon as get this sorted. I f anyone has any queries drop me a post and I will give you my email or phone number to discuss.
  2. 1 week ago I had 2000 FU grafts implanted into my receeding hairline. I have been receeding now slowly for 10 years. I am 30. After a considerable amount of research and help on this forum I decided to go with Dr. Feriduni in Belgium. I got a cheap flight with my fiance from Manchester to Brussels for ??50. From the moment I stepped off the plane Dr. Feriduni and his team had everything in control. I was picked up from the airport and driven 1hour 30 mins to Hasselt where the practise is. I was dropped off at the Radisson SAS hotel, Dr. Feriduni payed for all my transport and one night in the hotel. The hotel staff have a good relationship with Dr. Feriduni and are very understanding and friendly catering to your every need. I was picked up at 7pm and taken to the practise for a consulation. Dr Feriduni made my fiance and I feel so welcome and immediately filled us with confidence in his abilities. He was extremely professional, realistic and had a great sence of humour. Together with my fiance we planned the new hairline and Dr. Feriduni was very keen for it to be a 3 way process. The next day I arrived at the clinic at 9.30am. My fiance was provided with never ending refreshment and given her own private relaxation room with TV and dvds. I had the donor area removed and then was able to enjoy the beautiful lunch provided with my fiance. Afeter lunch Dr. Feriduni made the incisions and tehn 2 of his highly experienced team implanted the hairs using single FU's at the front foloowed by double and tripple FU's to give a ntural hairline. The desity chosen was 60-70 FU's per cmm square because I haave a large density in the donor region (90 FU's per cm square). That night I slept well with the support pillow provided and the anti-inflammatory medication. The next day I arrived at the clinic, my hair was washed and then inspected by Dr. Feriduni. Everything had gone to plan. The swelling was quite considerbale as expected on the 4th day post procedure but now has disspersed fully. The scabs are starting to fall off and the hairs are growing nicely. I must say the whole experience was first class and I emplore all UK potential patients to consider Dr. Feriduni. I can't wait for the final results. I have tried to post my photos but the files are too big. I will do it as soon as get this sorted. I f anyone has any queries drop me a post and I will give you my email or phone number to discuss.
  3. Hi, I have recently had my hairline restored by Dr. Feriduni in Belgium. I must say that the experience was absolutley amazing. Dr. Feriduni is a supreme professional and puts you at ease straight away during the consultation. I would advise any UK based potential patients to go to his clinic in Belgium it was absolutley first class. I will post the photos up soon. My question is: I have had 2000 grafts in my frontal region. I am 1 week post procedure and they seem to be growing quite nicely. What is the chance of these grafts continuing to grow and not shed and is there anything I can do to increase my chances? Other facts: I have very fine hair but high density in the donor area 90 FU's per square cm. Dr. Feriduni was therefore able to produce a density of 60-70 FU's per cm. He also said that I have a good blood supply in the frontal region.
  4. Hi, I have recently had my hairline restored by Dr. Feriduni in Belgium. I must say that the experience was absolutley amazing. Dr. Feriduni is a supreme professional and puts you at ease straight away during the consultation. I would advise any UK based potential patients to go to his clinic in Belgium it was absolutley first class. I will post the photos up soon. My question is: I have had 2000 grafts in my frontal region. I am 1 week post procedure and they seem to be growing quite nicely. What is the chance of these grafts continuing to grow and not shed and is there anything I can do to increase my chances? Other facts: I have very fine hair but high density in the donor area 90 FU's per square cm. Dr. Feriduni was therefore able to produce a density of 60-70 FU's per cm. He also said that I have a good blood supply in the frontal region.
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