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Posts posted by hadenough2014

  1. I used Rogaine for 2 years prior to my HT 5 weeks ago. My scalp was never dry. Since the HT, I re-started Rogaine 10 days after surgery and I apply it to the entire recipient area, including way up at the hairline, as per my docs instructions. I get some minor itch up front by the hairline but nothing towards mid scalp and crown.

  2. I agree that trying fin and Rogaine is necessary for you. You may see modest gains. Your hairloss is pretty advanced and you should talk to a couple of top docs about your donor density and maximum grafts potential. If you are in UK, go directly to Lorenzo as one of your doc options to duscuss FUE. Do not focus on saving money by going to a discount doc for this process - you only have one head and may only get one shot at this. Be realistic with your goals - a higher hairline at this stage is necessary and the thickness you may desire is probably not achievable. A great doc can probably get you results you will be happy with if you agree on the plan and design your expectations accordingly. Study, study, study...


    One more option...I read this suggestion from a poster on this forum after I had committed to my procedure and I thought it was a good one: for advanced hair loss cases, think about shaving your head for a month or two and see if you like it. There are many guys with shaved heads and it is perfectly acceptable and sometimes looks better/younger than a balding head.


    Best of luck.

  3. Tried taking Propecia back in September and it was a fail. Got very bad brain frog after only taking two doses of 0.25 mg. So the only thing I'm currently doing now to fight my hair loss is Regenpure DR every other day and S5 cream on my hairline every night.


    So here's the deal. I hate my hairline and want a straighter one. I have no idea when it started to recede. From the age of 13 to 23 I had long hair and never paid attention to my hairline until I cut my hair short and noticed I couldn't style it the way I wanted. I just turned 25 and at least a NW2. I can get a transplant done if I want, money is not a problem, but how stupid would it be to get one right now? Should I wait a few more years and see how much worse it gets? I'm really hoping it's going to stabilize (could happen...right? :confused:). I haven't noticed much hairline recession from what it looked a year ago.


    My right side is worse than my left.






    Hair loss sucks.


    What side do you part your hair on? Often times that one will recede faster. I am not a fan of young folks trying to lower their hairline back to their 16 year old glory days, especially if your family history suggests you will continue to lose hair. Imagine losing your hair behind your transplants as you age - you'll need to keep doing transplants for many years to come so it does not look funny. If you are confident you won't get to Norwood 3 or 4 based on family history, you could probably do an FUE session now and get on meds to try and stabilize.

  4. Great to hear, Sunny! It sounds like some of things that concerned you most have worked themselves out, and now the waiting begins! I wish you luck as you return to work, maybe you'll get that big promotion. I have retained a few graft hairs as well, but it sounds like you have held on to many more than me. I'd say I have about 10% left at mid scalp area.


    Like you, I don't think anyone notices anything. I went back to work today and no one said anything nor did I even get any funny looks. While I may have thought it looks a lot different, it probably looks like nothing different to other people. Maybe just a trim on top. After all, most people don't notice small differences on other people, they are to consumed with their own concerns. It helps that my native hairs that doc cut grew back to about 1/2 length in the last few weeks. Whew!


    My scar is not healing quite as well as yours, and I have shock loss near my ears. But not enough that I need to use a concealor. I still have pinkness and it is tender a bit, but there is no sign of any stretching that is visible to my wife, so that is most important. I am very mindful of taking care of the scar-I want the best heal possible. I will be thrilled the day my wife sees hair growing through the scar itself due to the tricho technique used.


    Good idea with the aloe - I will try the 100% as well. My scalp is dry due to the rogaine.


    Happy growing!

  5. He went in an old man and came out as his son...


    I agree as well! He should be thrilled. Ignore all that "the front could be denser" language. The front could ALWAYS be denser. Duh. It looks great and the wave in his hair adds to the cosmetic density. This is an extremely natural result enhanced by his natural temple peaks that help the HT frame the face so nicely.

  6. Seems like he did not retain the 5200 grafts from previous surgeries. Where did they go? Was he on fin? Given he is surely a Norwood 7 without HT, fin would have been smart. Based on his scar, the first procedures were not from a top doc. Your starting point was quite bleak and FUE is probably all he had left as an option. I think the top and front are looking nicer now. If he has any donor left, he might consider some temple peaks to soften the sides. I know that may be a tall request if he has very limited donor remaining.

  7. Fin does not help the donor hair grow, it only saves what you have and stops further progression. I am a NW5 and my family history (dad plus 5 uncles) says I would max out at a NW6 between today and 30 years from now, so stopping fin may be Ok for me, or it could create some funny thinning in the future, which may require another session to cover and add density. I am on the fence with being med-dependent. If my family history said I would max-out at a NW7, I would continue fin to ensure I don't get the halo or island look, having transplanted hairs on top with receding/thinning happening around it.

  8. I suggest visiting Konior for FUT. Finally, please stop comparing doctors by price. Focus on a shortlist of doctors you have confidence in to provide good results based on their track record. Then worry about price. This is not the time to "save money".


    Agree! Results are what you want - do not focus on price.

  9. The density IS poor. That's because it's 4k grafts spread over an entire head. It would take twice the grafts for a nw 5/6 to have a full look over a large area.


    Nothing wrong with the case, it is what it is. 4k grafts on a high nw.


    I agree that they really stretched the 4000 grafts too far. Should have taken 500 nearer the crown and placed them up front. Always work front to back, and never compromise the front to stretch to the back.

  10. The front hairline looks a little pluggy. I'd like to see him go back in for 500 more in the front to add density. The risk of course is shock loss, but I think the doc is good enough to minimize that that. It is not uncommon for patients that have 3000+ grafts to need a touch-up session, especially when they are building a new hairline from scratch. Some micro-irregularities on the hairline would help as well to break it up a bit.

  11. Well, I would not accept that as an explanation in this case. I understand the math, but there is no way his 3000 grafts grew if those recent photos are real. I would say something between 0-10% grew. He had very little hair in the recipient area before the HT. He probably had a few hundred bad and thinning native hairs in the recipient zone before the HT and he received 3000 grafts. This is not a 1:1 ratio discussion.


    I agree an in person meeting is necessary. If the patient is not representing this properly, I would suggest the site pulls the thread down. If it is reasonably represented, I'll be interested to hear what may have happened.

  12. Romeo,


    Are you using preventive medications (ie finasteride and/or minoxidil)?


    Sorry to read about your experience. Dave and I will touch base with Dr. Meshkin's clinic and let him know about this thread. Hopefully, he - or Athena - can review the situation, leave and reply, and help fix the issue.


    Help me understand how preventative meds have anything to do with this result? I see virtually no improvement from his before pictures. These grafts should have grown without any meds at all given the baldness of the recipient zone. If these photos are truly this patient's result, this is a scary result for prospective patients.


    I don't disagree with Athena that is it is unfair to just drop in after a very long time and no contact with the Dr. office and post negative comments or results, so that makes me a little suspicious about the patient's recent postings as well, but for the sake of the industry someone should get to the bottom of this and provide an explanation.

  13. I just don't see tons of "massive failures" or slow massive failures from top docs, no matter what method is used. How many guys do you see that say screw it, I now want to shave my head. Sure, scar5 is an example and behappy probably fits the category and I'm sure that there are more, but there are a lot more as far as I can tell that wasn't hair and have nice results, even as the years go by. A lot of people need another procedure but it seems like for the vast majority of people who go to top docs end of with a much more pleasing result than a shaved head. I could be wrong, but if I'm not, what are we even doing here?


    Agree. This industry wouldn't survive if the top docs weren't producing consistent good-to-great results. It starts with giving their prospective patients honest advice and consultation leading up to a procedure, and I think the best docs do just that.

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