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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Thinning Hair Loss All over the Scalp
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood II
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain Existing Hair
    Maintain and Regrow Hair
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration
    Considering Non-Surgical Treatments
    I'm here for support

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?

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  1. Hello friends, So it has been 8 months post HT now. I have had 2 haircuts. Getting good reviews on my hair. My density is still less though and I am still losing hair. I got off finasteride for 1.5 months but the hair fall came back with full force. I have again started it for now but next time I will get off it more slowly. Hope it will work. The density in the front(transplanted hair) is increasing gradually. I will try to update again soon. Fire away if you guys have any queries. Thanks, Sid
  2. Hi Guys, First of all, Sorry that I am posting so late. I have been caught up in some family emergency. Today, it has been 4 months post my HT surgery from Dr. Prashant Yadav.Given below are 4 pics that I have taken today. I am posting 2 more pics from the front angle to show the before and after images. The hair are looking good but their density is very thin. But considering that only 4 months have passed, I consider it good progress. The front hair are still shedding, but since they have grown in length, I am not able to tell which hair are shedding and which are regrowing. I think it will look good after 1 year. I am getting good feedback from my co-workers but everybody is telling that I should have told to add some more hair at my sides. Keep this in mind because at the time of surgery the hairline looks complete. I am continuing the medications too upto 6-7 months but I intend to stop it after that as I really fear their side-effects. For guys, who are looking at these posts for the first time, you can see all my posts and pics by going to my profile. -Sid
  3. Hey guys, As you all know, I underwent HT by Dr. Prashant Yadav on 15th Nov 2014. It has been nearly 7 weeks since then. I am posting today because the next set of changes started happening with my new hair. As you can see in the pics below, the shedding phase has started. You can see the less hair density in the places where the hair had been transplanted. It started in the middle of the 5th week. According to the sources on the internet, this phase starts from 2nd to 6th week and continue sometimes upto 3 months after which the grafts go into a dormant stage. So, I guess in my case, it is on schedule. Just hoping that the sooner the transplanted hair will fall, the sooner they will regrow. I have just gone once to the doctor for consultation afterwards. He has recalled me after 3 months because there is nothing else to do. Right now he has recommended some multi-vitamins, finasteride and some kind of serum to continue for 6 months. As I have mentioned before, Minoxidil reacted to my skin, so I have stopped applying it. The skin in my donor area is currently full of big boils/pimples and they hurt too. But they are vanishing and other people say that they will vanish completely after 1 month or two. I see a lot of doubts in this thread for this doctor. All the concerns are correct because you should be satisfied with your surgeon choice before you go for it. I will just say that it is not necessary that all the previous people who have posted their results in this post are lying because as in my experienced, this site does not send notifications everytime someone else posts in the thread. And everyone has a busy life to care for maintaining this. I, for one have set some reminders in my phone to check this site periodically. I cant say about others but I am posting my pics and detailed explanations so that others may get some help from this to decide for themselves. So, again it is for you to decide whether a post is a genuine one or a fake. I would like to urge some people like #lookingforadoctor who have underwent surgery recently to keep posting their results so that the real picture may come out. But this is a long process, so all the people should have some patience. Anyone can ask me if they have any doubts and i will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Some people asked for my emailId again. It is mentioned in one of my previous posts I do not mention my phone no. because this is a public forum and i maintain some irregular hours because of my job. But for people who contact me on mail can get my phone no. Also, for the newcomers, you can see all my posts in this thread by going directly to my profile instead of searching them in every page. Please compare every set of pics at every stage to get a clear idea. Thanks, Sid
  4. Hello guys, So, 3 weeks were completed last Saturday(6 dec 2014). I went for a followup with Dr., Prashant on 29 Nov. There wasn't much to do. He told me that everything looked fine.The scabs were starting to loosen up. So, he told me to start scrubbing it very carefully and slowly after shampoo and conditioner. I followed his advice and the scabs came off after 3 shampoos. Some hair which were trapped with the scabs also fell off. But according to him every new hair will eventually shed off. So, I think its ok. He told me that if the grafts are dislodged then it will cause bleeding. If not, then everything is ok. The pics I have posted below are from 17th day after HT. Today, the hair are looking same. The only difference is that they are growing at a terrific rate. They are almost double the length of the normal hair. The feedback from other people is that my hair are looking normal not artificial and the density is same throughout. Now according to the Doctor and my research, these new hair will shed off in the coming 3 months. Doctor has also scheduled the next followup for after 3 months. So I guess there wont be much to post in the coming 3 months. But I will keep posting if anything changes significantly. -Sid
  5. Nitin, I will try to answer your questions as per my understanding but please don't take them for granted as I am not a doctor. Do your own research thoroughly as it is all available on internet and you will believe in your reading more than what you hear from someone else. FUT is definitely better in terms of results than FUE but the after op healing is more painful. If you have a job then I think it will be even more uncomfortable. I can tell you that even after FUE, the donor area hurts a lot for 1 week. Everyone tells you that you will be normal just after FUE but I didn't find it like that. After all the doctor has bore 3000 holes in my scalp, of course it is going to hurt a lot. But even after that I was able to return to office after just 2 days. I imagine it will be a lot more painful, uncomfortable and delayed in case of FUT because they cut a whole strip of skin from the back. It will take more time to heal Please find the answers to your questions in the order that you asked them: 1) The scar will always be there as it is. Its visibility will depend on whether you are keeping a short hairstyle or a long one. 2)In my research, I have found that it is true especially by Dr. Radha. She is really adept in doing FUT. 3)This is also true. The success of FUE depends on the skill of the surgeon. The way I understand it, it is very difficult to extract hairs from the back of scalp(FUE) than from a strip of skin(FUT). The irregular shape of scalp may result in the damage of the follicle while punching and here comes the skill, experience and practice of the surgeon. 4) I don't think so. Even 6 days after the surgery people are starting to say that my donor area is starting to look normal. They take hairs from a large area so the scars are scattered enough. Hairstyle won't be a problem in case of FUE FUT contains its own risks. I have even read that its results are artificial looking. Although, I can't say this for sure. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is that it carries a risk of wrongly cutting the strip and cutting the tendons at the back of the head. I saw this in a You Tube video. You can find some videos detailing FUT vs. FUE there. If you are going for FUT then I would suggest you go with Dr. Radha. I will tell you to be prepared for the surgery itselt but even MORE for the post-op care. Whether you are going for FUT or FUE will not matter if you could not take care of your newly implanted grafts later and it is a lot uncomfortable especially when you sleep.
  6. Thanks lookingforadoctor, Yes it was going on in the same premises. The doctors cabin is the leftmost and the OT is the rightmost room. Obviously the doors where closed but you must have noticed that almost all the nurses were dressed for surgery. I was given breaks around 12.30, 1.30 and 4.30 Yes it hurts a bit but mostly you feel nothing that day. It hurts after 2-3 days but it is nothing that you cannot bear. It hasn't been 1 week yet. My scalp is looking almost exactly like in the pics that I have shared as of now. I will share my new pics when some significant change happens.
  7. Hi Nitin, thanks for your wishes. I can't tell you to either choose Dr. Prashant or not because ultimately it should be your own decision, but he is very frank and open about everything. I value such character, thats why i went with him. When I was doing my research in March on how to find a good hair transplant surgeon, I came upon various sites that told that if a surgeon has ISHRS certification, then he is a good one. So I went to its site and found 2 doctors in Pune. One of them was Dr. Prashant. I compared the two and went for him. That time I had funding problem so I decided to wait for HT. But now if you see the list of doctors in ISHRS site, you wont find his name because they have to renew their certification every year and that costs them fresh $$ each time. I understand this process because I am from software background and similar thing happens in our line where any Microsoft certification is valid for only 1 year. As I had seen his name on the site iin March myself, I did not doubt him. Dr. Bhatti also has this certification but Dr. Radha doesn't He also shared his old patients contacts with me and I talked to them in very detail. This sealed the deal for me finally. He charged me Rs. 35/- per graft. This is not his original rate but for now he is charging so cheap because others like ADHI India, etc have decreased their prices. Atleast this is what he told me. In March, he was charging me Rs.45/- for 1st 1000 grafts, then Rs. 40/- for next 1000 and so on. I wont say he is in the beginning phase because you can find his videos on You Tube which were uploaded 2 years ago. I think he has been practicing for atleast 3-4 years. Sorry for not sharing my contact no. on a public forum but you can contact me on my email: sidsingh.siddharth66@gmail.com
  8. Hello guys, I had my HT on 15th Nov(Saturday) as planned. Finally, I opted for FUE for 3000 grafts. You can see my below HT pics on page 3 of this thread. So, here's my experience: I reached the clinic by 9.15 A.M. Dr. Prashant and his 5 assistants were already waiting for me. They gave me some loose clothes to change into and then Dr. Prashant drew my hairline by a marker. He showed it to me and amemded it as per my wishes. Then, one of his assistants trimmed my hair and they started the surgery at about 9.30 A.M. Dr. Prashant performs the "Punching" part of the surgery and one of his assistants performs the "Extraction" and "Plantation" parts. He had discussed this with me earlier and as per my research punching is the most important part and no doctor does the whole surgery alone anywhere in the world. So, I was ok with that. They first gave me a local anesthesia at 4-5 points on the back of my head and after about 3-4 minutes of pain, I could not feel anything. It took around 3.5 hrs to complete the first and second parts after which they dressed my back head wounds and gave me a 5-min break. Afterwards he again designed my hairline and his assistant started planting the hair. After about 1 hr, they gave me a break for lunch (which was provided at the clinic). Then the process started again and after about 3 hrs, they again gave me a 5-min break for tea. Finally, the surgery ended at around 8.00 P.M. AFter this, they again changed my dressing at the back and shampooed my new hair. They gave me a well printed list of medicines and instructions. After paying for meds and the surgery(seperately), I took my leave. They gave me a paper kind of cap(kind of like what surgeons wear) and told me to let it be on till Monday as Sunday was their leave.They also gave me a head band to help with the swelling. On Monday, I went back to the clinic. They removed my dressing, tended the back wound, again shampooed my new hair and told me to come after 14 days. And also to follow the instructions and meds. So, overall at this stage, my experience was ok. The staff is supportive(especially since I pestered them with a lot of questions). Dr. Prashant alternates between his other patients and surgery room after the "Punching" part and supervises the assistants from time to time. I suffered a bit of pain even after they gave me 4 injections of local anaesthesia at the front but I think that was exceptional to my case. The plantation was done by only one of his assistants who seemed more experienced than others. Rest of them were just helping. It was a bit uncomfortable during the whole process but I took about 4 naps . They were also playing some songs during it all to help with the boredome. I am sharing some pics below which I took about 36 hrs after HT. I will share if anything else happens. Hope this helps.
  9. Hello Guys, So I have decided to go for FUE at Dezire clinic with my fingers crossed. It is a big decision for me. I finally made it because Dr. Prashant was kind enough to give me the contact no.s of some of his old patients. I made contact with them on phone and whatsapp. Asked a lot of questions too to clear my doubts. Some of them shared with me their pics, most were reluctant but they talked with me just fine. One thing common with them was that at their respective stages they are all satisfied. So thats it then. I am going for HT on 15th Nov. Dr. Prashant has asked me to undergo some blood tests. He is charging Rs. 35/- per graft for 3500 grafts. I am still contemplating on 3500. Thinking to go for 3000 instead, will have to consult him. He has agreed to use medications with different components because of my earlier swelling problem. So, I will keep you all posted. Below are my current pics:
  10. Hello guys, First of all thanks for this thread. I also had a meeting with Dr. Prashant Yadav at the beginning of this year. He told me to go for 2500-3000 grafts in FUE. I declined at the time and chose to go for his medicines instead i.e. rogaine and propecia. But they reacted to me terribly and my face was swollen for about 2 weeks after I discontinued it. When I talked to him about this he told me rather confidently that its not possible. So I tried it again and almost immediately had the same reaction. But he again told me that no such allergies/reactions take place in patients. I asked him if may be I am a rare case then he told me again that it is impossible. I found his attitude rather limited and over confident. So I decided to discontinue the medicines and HT operation. After 6 months I got a call from his assistant that they are offering a discount and that i will be able to avail the operation services in just Rs. 75000(rather than Rs. 1.2 lakhs) but I declined again. I searched about Dr. Prashant Yadav a lot and found out that he is also a member of some international HT organization(don't remember its name) which provides certificates to really good doctors. 2 doctors from Pune has this certificate. One is Dr. Prashant Yadav. The other one has a bad reputation for dealing rudely with customers. Thats how I went to Dr. Yadav in the first place. Now at this stage, I am really confused. So I would like to request: @Arif789- Please share your pics and experience. If you have already undergone 10 months after this then you are nearly at the end of your experience(according to Dr. Yadav it takes 12 months). @RishabPune123- If you have undergone the HT by now then please share your experninece and pics. @Tintin05- Dude, You really instilled a hope in us by your pics. But where are you now? For you too it must be close to 1 year. Please share your pics and experience as of now. Also please share what precautions are required(as followed by you or told by doctor) after the HT because I don't want to waste my money if I cant follow the precautions after the procedure and the whole process gets wasted due to some stupid mistake of mine. Thanks a lot, Sid
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    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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