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  1. Thank you both for your replies. These examples of 10 plus year patients holding strong, can you confirm some of them are not on finasteride please? I suppose I am questioning the legitimacy of the premise that the hair maintains the same characteristics when it is moved. Whose to say the hairs don't adapt to adopt the same genetic predisposition that the dead follicles around them hold and change their nature. I read that when body hair is transplanted it starts to adopt characteristics of scalp hair so whose to say the scalp DHT resistant hair would not suddenly behave like the DHT susceptible hair around it and die. Ultimately in regards to the first post if your donor hair remained thick one could assume the transplanted hairs were still healthy, it just annoys me when people post things like 'all my transplanted hair fell out' and 'it's a myth the hair is DHT resistant.' I hope for my sake and everyone's here they are lying.
  2. The reason I ask is because some people who have had a hair transplant said there hair transplanted hair eventually fell out. My understanding is the hair is taken from the DHT resistant area and these follicles are DHT resistant. But some others are saying it's to do with the area of scalp the hairs are transplanted to. Could someone who has had a hair transplant maybe decades ago and does NOT take finasteride confirm their transplated hair is as healthy as it was please. Thank you.
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