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Everything posted by hcclient17yrs

  1. I did HCM in college at 22 yrs old. It literally changed my world as I was in grad school and went from looking 35 to looking 19. In fact my girlfriend the year before was 38, the year I did it, besides numerous 18-21 year olds, my girlfriend for the next 2 years was 19. The systems back then were relatively pathetic as well - looked great but almost too full and touch wise were easy to detect. Nevertheless it really boosted my self esteem at the time and many years after. I looked like I was a college student, not a professor. My frat brothers some ribbed me, but unless someone sabotaged me with disclosing my 'scret' I did really well with the girls. In 17 years I have had one really bad experience in bed with a girl at around 25 yrs of age (she was 19). That's about it. It was embarassing but again, back then it was also REALLy obvious to the touch as they wove it in. I think the key is that you have to be with their top systems of the last decade and that is VERY expensive. Also as I am much older it probably is more obvious at times, specifically as I am married now and don't nearly upkeep my hair like I use too. I am somewhat disappointed with the $$$ I pay now vs what I get now. I have considered dropping it all but I have such a young face still now that it would really be a shocker to all that know me, even ones that suspect I have a piece probably still think its at least a good piece. I feel I'm still judged very attractive but at a Price I probably can no longer justify. I basically wear a leased Mercedes on my head....
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