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Posts posted by Petro_P

  1. It's likely you've lost more natural hair but i have no idea what's going on with your pictures as i couldn't see any labelling.


    Thank you guys for your comments.


    In terms of labelling, the pics names are accually dates so the pics that have the numbers,


    2008 are pre,

    2009 one year post,

    2011 are taken yesterday.

  2. A long story short, i had about 2700 grafts with Rahal in dec 2008, please see pre, post and one year results. So in jan 2011 i noticed my hair thining again so i contacted rahal and scheduled for next week for 1500 inculding 500 touchup , please see fotos taken today. So what do you guys think, did i lose real hair or the transplaned hair over the past 2.5 years? Do you think 1500 will be good to fill in the gaps?


    Thank you for your time.





    P.S In terms of labelling, the pics names are accually dates so the pics that have the numbers,



    2008 are pre,

    2009 one year post,

    2011 are taken yesterday.


















  3. Originally posted by Predator:

    Thanks for the comments guys yes I am well pleased. I would like it a little thicker on the right, which has always been my problem side

    and would make it easier to style, bit you can't have everything. What I hope for is no additional loss.


    With me it really started to kick in at 5 Months

    By month 7 I think pretty much all grafts were out. The real difference came between 7 and 8, but the blog is deceptive as my hair was really long then and looks a lot thicker. Between 8 and 9 I cant really say much happened exept it felt residually thicker. 9-10 the same thing only the foto above is how I liked it the best.

    I dont really expect anything more, I guess I have been a rapid grower, But bear in mind pictures are deceptive.


    thank you for your reply. Ur hair is great.

  4. Originally posted by Predator:


    Hair loss is progressive. Most of the guys here have had more than one HT. This operation takes a year to get to the final stage and even if you take propecia you are going to find some loss, during that phase to your baseline hair

    At present i'd give it an 8. There are elements of what Rahal did that I don't like much, the firmness in the hairline on the right side-but the general picture is excellent.

    I will report every month until month 12 . Then I might be looking at FUE to fill in some gaps in the hairline- But we'll see


    Dude you forgot about us icon_frown.gif.

  5. Originally posted by Predator:


    Hair loss is progressive. Most of the guys here have had more than one HT. This operation takes a year to get to the final stage and even if you take propecia you are going to find some loss, during that phase to your baseline hair

    At present i'd give it an 8. There are elements of what Rahal did that I don't like much, the firmness in the hairline on the right side-but the general picture is excellent.

    I will report every month until month 12. Then I might be looking at FUE to fill in some gaps in the hairline- But we'll see


    Hope all is great for you...

    Could you please update the 9 months, thank you lot. People like you make the wait so much easier for all of us.

  6. Originally posted by Predator:


    Hair loss is progressive. Most of the guys here have had more than one HT. This operation takes a year to get to the final stage and even if you take propecia you are going to find some loss, during that phase to your baseline hair

    At present i'd give it an 8. There are elements of what Rahal did that I don't like much, the firmness in the hairline on the right side-but the general picture is excellent.

    I will report every month until month 12. Then I might be looking at FUE to fill in some gaps in the hairline- But we'll see


    thank you for sharing and your time.

  7. Originally posted by Predator:

    Eman I'm pretty cautious

    I dont want to praise the day before the evening

    The title of my thread is no longer valid, as I considered back then. It's been a "bastard ride", but the results are such that many guys would like to have. I'm wondering if I am finished at 8 Months or if more is to come. When I look in the mirror I am still amazed and somewhat disconcerted. What the real benefit of this has been is my hairloss is no longer a central issue in my life- for the time being


    Dude, ur hair is great. I would love to have results like yours, i am almost five months now (will post my experience soon). And i feel good and much more confidence icon_smile.gif.


    Are u happy about it? from scale 1 to 10, do you mind sharing with us how satisfied are you with the results? 10= best.


    And what is next for you? are you about to move on or are you still thinking about hair loss?


    thank you for taking the time to answer my questions icon_smile.gif.

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