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Posts posted by Petro_P

  1. you jumped from 18 weeks, to 20 weeks in just a week? and that seems to be a quite a bit of difference in length for 1 week of growth.....

    the last pic looks good though.



    Dude, dont be too picky :). it might be 19 or 20 i counted the weeks quickly from my windows tab calander.



  2. I ended up having around 2300 grafts inculding around 600 touchups. Please find post op pic below.


    Everything went great from start to finish, looking forward for the next few months. will keep you guys updated.


    Corvettester, i said including so in total around 2300 for second procedure :D.

  3. Thats a great scar Petro.. So thin. Wish mine was like that. I advice to shave your head to look better and start grow you hair after 4 months.


    Thanks hariri, but that is the old scar, i hope the new one will be the same! I will cut my hair this weekend, yah i really need a haircut.

  4. I ended up having around 2300 grafts inculding around 600 touchups. Please find post op pic below.


    Everything went great from start to finish, looking forward for the next few months. will keep you guys updated.



  5. It's definitely common practice.


    I see from your photos that you had grafts planted around native hairs during your first procedure. (This is also common practice.) Those hairs were undamaged, they grew back, but went on to be lost due to the continuation of the balding process.

    Planting new grafts around existing ones is actually considered safer overall as the hairs already present come from outside of the balding area, making them stronger than hairs that are facing the effects of androgenic alopecia.

    As you'll know, Dr Rahal is very careful and uses magnification, so actually causing direct harm to grafts is not something you need to worry about.


    Thank you mattj, i can sleep better at night now.

  6. The dates are within the image file names. So photos 7,8 and 9 in the sequence are from 2009.


    As your hair was thin overall throughout the recipient area prior to surgery, without the aid of treatments a lot of it could've been lost since then. Maybe all of it. This means that you could be left with only grafted hair in this area.

    Dr Rahal's recommendation of 1500 grafts will really make a difference, bringing back the density with strong hairs not undergoing miniaturization, and the result could possibly surpass the original.


    Best of luck next week.



    Thank you mattj, is it common practice to implant new grafts around old grafted hairs with out damaging either?

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